The requirements can be distilled into 3 categories: 1) stricter adherence to domain authentication, 2) give recipients an easy way to unsubscribe from bulk mail, and 3) monitoring spam complaint rates and keeping them under a 0.3% threshold.

Why? Marketing messages may have higher spam complaint rates and would need to adhere to the bulk sender requirements, but transactional mail, such as purchase receipts, would not necessarily have spam complaints high enough to be classified as bulk mail.

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Bulk senders are expected to include a mechanism to unsubscribe by adding an easy to find link within the message. The February 2024 mailbox provider rules will require senders to additionally add one-click unsubscribe headers as defined by RFC 2369 and RFC 8058. These headers make it easier for recipients to unsubscribe, which reduces the rate at which recipients will complain by marking messages as spam.

There are many factors that could result in your messages being classified as bulk by any mailbox provider. Volume over 5000 per day is one factor, but the primary factor that mailbox providers use is in whether the recipient actually wants to receive the mail.

Add one-click unsubscribe headers to the messages you send: Amazon SES customers sending bulk or potentially unwanted messages will need to implement an easy way for recipients to unsubscribe, which they can do using the SES subscription management feature.

Mailbox providers are requiring that large senders give recipients the ability to unsubscribe from bulk email in one click using the one-click unsubscribe header, however it is acceptable for the unsubscribe link in the message to direct the recipient to a landing page for the recipient to confirm their opt-out preferences.

Honor unsubscribe requests within 2 days: Verify that your unsubscribe process immediately removes the recipient from receiving similar future messages. Mailbox providers are requiring that bulk senders give recipients the ability to unsubscribe from email in one click, and that the senders process unsubscribe requests within two days.

Mailbox providers will require that all senders keep spam complaint rates below 0.3% to avoid having their email treated as spam by the mailbox provider. The following steps outline how Amazon SES customers can meet the spam complaint rate requirement:

Google Workspace senders: If you use Google Workspace to send large volumes of email, review the Spam and abuse policy in Gmail. The policy is part of the Google Workspace Acceptable Use Policy.

Starting February 1, 2024, all senders who send email to Gmail accounts must meet the requirements in this section.


 Important: If you send more than 5,000 messages per day to Gmail accounts, follow the Requirements for sending 5,000 or more messages per day.

SPF prevents spammers from sending unauthorized messages that appear to be from your domain. Set up SPF by publishing an SPF record at your domain. The SPF record for your domain should reference all email senders for your domain. If third-party senders aren't included in your SPF record, messages from these senders are more likely to be marked as spam. Learn how to define your SPF record and add it to your domain.

We recommend you set up DMARC reports so you can monitor email sent from your domain, or appears to have been sent from your domain. DMARC reports help you identify senders that may be impersonating your domain. Learn more about DMARC reports.

Hi, I'm looking for a way to bulk update the sender of all our automated emails to a new Email address. We had to rebrand and now have a new domain. I have changed the contact settings to the new email address, but when I now go into an Email, it no longer recognises the Send From address.

Yahoo Bulk Sender Form is a tool that allows email marketers to send bulk emails to their subscribers. It is a self-service platform that streamlines the email delivery process, ensuring email deliverability and reducing the risk of being marked as spam.

If you choose to enable the "Activate Sender" option, this will trigger automatic invitations to all senders without them having to receive an activation email. However, if you choose to disable this option, especially when dealing with a large number of senders, it's advisable to request assistance by creating a support ticket at [email protected] and to utilize the tool only under the guidance of our support team. Such guidance may include:

If, by accident, senders were invited directly but you intended them to receive the activation email, the "Activate Sender" option should be deactivated. Following this, invite the senders again twice - the first call will deactivate the senders, and the second call will initiate the sending of the activation email.

3. a CSV file in UTF-8 encoding, which contains sender's information. (A sample file has been included in the attachment showing you the expected header format) For sender information: Firstname, Lastname, Email are specified per sender. Company name and whether to Activate your senders immediately are set in batch.

1. Supports the "Roles & Permissions" feature. In order to assign sender roles, add a "Roles" column in CSV file, enter the Role Name(s) in the cells and use semi colon(s) to separate multiple role names. An sample CSV file is also included.

1."Bulk Sender Invite Tool" now features the function to update existing senders. In order to facilitate this use case, an extra step has been introduced which pulls all the existing sender's Emails to a CSV file.

You can cut the "Email" column and merge into your own CSV file, then add your customized columns. Any sender attributes can be used as column name, for example, "TimezoneId" or "Language", case insensitive. (To update an existing sender, the "email" is the minimal requirement, so no need to fill in the first/last names, unless you want to update them)

1. after execution, a report as well as a log file will be persisted to the same folder as the sender CSV file located. Although both files don't include API Key/Token, it's still suggested to delete them both after you've confirmed all senders have been successfully invited to the account. Otherwise, they could be a useful resource to troubleshoot with underlying issues during execution. (log file is locked during execution, exit the program then you get access to the content)

In the version 1.3.0 notes, it is stated that "any sender attributes can be used as column name." What I'm having trouble finding is a list of available sender attributes. Is this information contained in documentation somewhere, or can you post a list here?

Looks good. Is it possible to assign a Role to the users upon import? My test runs have landed the senders with no role assignments, and I'm not sure if that is normal or if something isn't functioning properly.

There's a known issue introduced by release 11.44 where the response schema for API "GET /api/account/senders/{senderId}/roles" has been changed. I've adjusted the code and published the v1.4.1 tool. Would you mind downloading it and try again?

Brevo is a cost-effective, intuitive solution for bulk email senders with paid plans starting from as little as $25 for 20,000 emails per month. Unlike other bulk email providers, our affordable pricing is based on the number of emails sent rather than the number of contacts stored. This way you can grow your email list without having to worry about increasing prices.

In early October 2023, Gmail and Yahoo announced new requirements for bulk senders looking to deliver mail to those using their services. While the strictest standards mainly impact those who send thousands of emails every day, even those with lower send volumes should consider updating their practices.

Most people prefer hearing from brands via emails. The problem is, the inbox can be an overcrowded and even dangerous place. Gmail and Yahoo want to protect their users from bad actors and shady senders.

Stronger authentication tops the list of new bulk sender requirements because that is how mailbox providers are able to stop email spoofing. This occurs when a malicious sender impersonates a recognizable brand in order to deceive a recipient, gaining access to credentials and/or scamming them out of money. Phishing, which was already a huge problem, saw a 1,265% increase since late 2022. That sharp increase is partly because bad actors are making use of generative AI to do their dirty deeds.

Beyond the dangers of malicious phishing emails, there are legitimate senders who may be overstepping their bounds. If someone is emailing contacts without obtaining consent, making it hard for people to opt out, or simply sending too many annoying emails recipients, Gmail and Yahoo want it to stop.

If you qualify as a bulk sender, passing DMARC is also required. However, Gmail and Yahoo are accepting a DMARC policy of p=none. This policy tells receiving mail servers not to do anything with messages that fail SPF or DKIM. There are also policies of p=reject and p=quarantine.

While the bulk sender requirements are new, the ideas behind them are not. Responsible email senders have been pursuing effective authentication, ensuring they obtain consent from new contacts, and making it easy to opt-out when desired for years.

Additionally, Nylas customers can take advantage of capabilities such as our Scheduled send feature (available in API v3) to improve deliverability. Scheduled send lets you automatically warm up email lists by emailing engaged recipients first, boosting open and reply rates while signaling to service providers that you have a positive sender reputation.

This February, Google and Yahoo will begin enforcing new requirements for bulk email senders. The guidelines largely focus on three areas: authentication of outgoing emails, reported spam rates and the ability to easily unsubscribe from email lists. ff782bc1db

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