A bulk sender is any email sender that sends close to 5,000 messages or more to personal Gmail accounts within a 24-hour period. Messages sent from the same primary domain count toward the 5,000 limit.

Spam rate is calculated daily. To help ensure messages are delivered as expected, senders should keep their spam rate below 0.1% and should prevent spam rates from ever reaching 0.3% or higher, as described in our Email sender guidelines.

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To meet RFC 8058 requirements, add List-Unsubscribe headers to all outgoing marketing and promotional messages, as described in our Email sender guidelines. If you use a third-party email provider, check to see if you have the option to add these headers to your outgoing messages.

Senders should follow the specifications for one-click unsubscribe that are defined in RFC 8058, and add List Unsubscribe headers to all outgoing promotional messages, as described in our Email sender guidelines.

For messages sent directly to personal Gmail accounts, the organizational domain in the sender From: header must be aligned with either the SPF organizational domain or the DKIM organizational domain. Although we require bulk senders to set up both SPF and DKIM authentication, only one of these needs to be aligned to meet the sender alignment requirements.

Only bulk senders that meet all the requirements in our Email sender guidelines, including authentication requirements, user-reported spam-rate requirements, and one-click unsubscribe for relevant traffic, are eligible for mitigation.

Hi, I'm looking for a way to bulk update the sender of all our automated emails to a new Email address. We had to rebrand and now have a new domain. I have changed the contact settings to the new email address, but when I now go into an Email, it no longer recognises the Send From address.

Buckle up, email senders. Starting in February 2024, Google and Yahoo are making major changes to email-sending requirements, and at the heart of this initiative stands a key term: bulk sender.

A bulk sender is any email sender that sends close to 5,000 or more messages to personal Gmail accounts within a 24-hour period. Messages sent from the same primary domain count toward the 5,000 limit.

Two of the biggest mailbox providers on the planet got together to find ways to make the inbox a better place for their users. Now, changes for 2024 could mean a little extra work for some bulk email senders, but they're changes that are worth the effort.

In early October 2023, Gmail and Yahoo announced new requirements for bulk senders looking to deliver mail to those using their services. While the strictest standards mainly impact those who send thousands of emails every day, even those with lower send volumes should consider updating their practices.

Starting in February 2024, Gmail and Yahoo say they'll be enforcing these new standards for bulk senders. There is no doubt that Gmail users make up a significant portion of your contact database, and Yahoo Mail has more than 227 million active users. So, if you want to keep reaching these people, it is important to review your current sending practices and make the necessary changes.

Most people prefer hearing from brands via emails. The problem is, the inbox can be an overcrowded and even dangerous place. Gmail and Yahoo want to protect their users from bad actors and shady senders.

Stronger authentication tops the list of new bulk sender requirements because that is how mailbox providers are able to stop email spoofing. This occurs when a malicious sender impersonates a recognizable brand in order to deceive a recipient, gaining access to credentials and/or scamming them out of money. Phishing, which was already a huge problem, saw a 1,265% increase since late 2022. That sharp increase is partly because bad actors are making use of generative AI to do their dirty deeds.

Beyond the dangers of malicious phishing emails, there are legitimate senders who may be overstepping their bounds. If someone is emailing contacts without obtaining consent, making it hard for people to opt out, or simply sending too many annoying emails recipients, Gmail and Yahoo want it to stop.

The transparency around user reported spam complaints encourages senders to pay closer attention to their list building practices, subscriber engagement, and email list hygiene. People who signed up to hear from you and want your emails won't mark messages as spam.

Email authentication can be somewhat technical, but it's extremely important to the inbox experience. Authentication protocols help mailbox providers like Gmail and Yahoo verify the identity of a sender by connecting the message to a specific sending domain or IP address. Here's a quick overview:

Until recently, many senders used some but not all three of these authentication protocols, but that won't be considered acceptable moving forward. Sinch Mailgun's report, The state of email deliverability 2023, found that there are significant gaps in use, or else senders are unclear about authentication.

If you qualify as a bulk sender, passing DMARC is also required. However, Gmail and Yahoo are accepting a DMARC policy of p=none. This policy tells receiving mail servers not to do anything with messages that fail SPF or DKIM. There are also policies of p=reject and p=quarantine.

In fact, email industry experts say it's very likely that accepting p=none is only a temporary move. First, Gmail and Yahoo want more senders to adopt DMARC. Then, they will probably start requiring senders to enforce policies of reject or quarantine.

While the bulk sender requirements are new, the ideas behind them are not. Responsible email senders have been pursuing effective authentication, ensuring they obtain consent from new contacts, and making it easy to opt-out when desired for years.

Two of the biggest names in email want senders to make important changes that protect their users and your customers. Gmail and Yahoo are enforcing new requirements in 2024. That includes mandatory email authentication if you want your messages delivered. The Mailgun Optimize email deliverability suite has tools to help you stay on the right side of the inbox.

Standard and Bulk are the only available settings. If you require to send more email than defined in the below daily limits, you will need to utilize an outside resource (e.g. third-party programs designed for bulk sending like Constant Contact, MailChimp, and Campaigner). There are no available settings beyond the set limits.

Alternatively you could set up a custom rule in your exchange outbound rules to send out e-mail for your newsletters and other bulk messages that bypasses the outbound email filtering.

Whether or not you are a bulk sender is fuzzier. If you approached 5,000 more than once, you might be classified as a bulk sender. This language is pretty consistent with language that Google has used on the search algorithm, which means, they have no intention of disclosing all the ways this is calculated.

Still, bulk senders should review these requirements to ensure compliance as email service providers continue to crack down on spam. With the ability to easily add one-click unsubscribe headers and unsubscribe links, scheduled email send capabilities to warm-up lists, and email bounce detection insights, Nylas customers are well-equipped to weather these changes.

The detailed guidelines from Google include setting up Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) email authentication, ensuring valid Domain Name System (DNS) records, using Transport Layer Security (TLS) for email transmission, and formatting messages according to Internet standards. Importantly, bulk senders must also now enable one-click unsubscribe headers in their sends.

Additionally, Nylas customers can take advantage of capabilities such as our Scheduled Send feature (available in API v3) to improve deliverability. Scheduled Send lets you automatically warm up email lists by emailing engaged recipients first, boosting open and reply rates while signaling to service providers that you have a positive sender reputation.

In response to the ever-evolving challenges posed by spam, phishing, and email-based fraud, email service giants Google and Yahoo are set to implement significant changes for bulk senders (businesses that send 5,000+ emails a day) from February 1, 2024. The changes center around bolstering email authentication protocols, ensuring low spam rates, and making it easy for recipients to unsubscribe from promotional mail.

**While a low spam rate is under the control of the sender, the mail originates at the ESP level. If for example, you use Salesforce Marketing Cloud for marketing mail and SendGrid for transactional with Mailgun as a backup, your overall spam complaint rate regardless of the sending platform(s) needs to be below the 0.3% threshold.

Google has introduced stringent requirements for bulk senders, with a focus on strengthening email security and reducing the prevalence of spam. Key elements include the implementation of Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) protocols, which require senders to authenticate their domains to prevent unauthorized parties from sending emails on their behalf. Additionally, Google encourages the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption for added protection during email transmission.

Similar to Google, Yahoo has implemented updates to enhance email security. Bulk senders are urged to adopt DMARC authentication to validate their domains and prevent unauthorized email activities. These changes aim to create a more secure email environment and reduce the risk of spam, ensuring a safer and more reliable experience for users.

By rolling out expanded guidelines for high-volume emailers effective 1 February, 2024, Google and Yahoo are targeting a crucial aspect of email security. Tighter protocols around sender validation, along with protections against list abuse and excessive user complaints, mean it is essential that high-volume outbound emailers comply with the new guidelines. 589ccfa754

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