A bulk sender is any email sender that sends close to 5,000 messages or more to personal Gmail accounts within a 24-hour period. Messages sent from the same primary domain count toward the 5,000 limit.

To learn more about IP address requirements for sending to Gmail, visit the IP addresses section of our sender guidelines. To learn more about Gmail requirements for bulk email senders, visit Email sender guidelines.

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Your email has been rate limited because SPF authentication didn't pass for this message. Gmail requires all bulk email senders to authenticate their email with SPF. Authentication results: SPF domain-name with IP address: ip-address = Did not pass.

Your email has been rate limited because DKIM authentication didn't pass for this message. Gmail requires all email bulk senders to authenticate their email with DKIM. Authentication results: DKIM = Did not pass.

Spam rate is calculated daily. To help ensure messages are delivered as expected, senders should keep their spam rate below 0.1% and should prevent spam rates from ever reaching 0.3% or higher, as described in our Email sender guidelines.

No. One-click unsubscribe is required only for marketing and promotional messages. Transactional messages are excluded from this requirement. Some examples of transactional messages are password reset messages, reservation confirmations, and form submission confirmations.

The distinction between promotional and transactional messages can vary depending on industry and applicable regulations. Message recipients, not Google, determine the nature of the messages they receive. To reduce high spam rates, consider giving users an easy way to unsubscribe from marketing and promotional messages, and keep the user in mind when designing your emails.

One-click unsubscribe lets people quickly and easily opt out of your marketing or promotional messages. One-click unsubscribe also helps you maintain a low spam rate, which improves message delivery. High spam rates negatively affect message delivery for any message type that you send.

To meet RFC 8058 requirements, add List-Unsubscribe headers to all outgoing marketing and promotional messages, as described in our Email sender guidelines. If you use a third-party email provider, check to see if you have the option to add these headers to your outgoing messages.

To reduce spam reports, protect your sending reputation, and keep your email lists healthy, we recommend that you fulfill unsubscribe requests within 48 hours, a reasonable timeline for removing recipients from a mailing list.

Honoring unsubscribe requests from recipients is especially critical if you frequently send marketing messages. This results in improved email delivery and higher value for engaged people who want to get messages from you.

Senders should follow the specifications for one-click unsubscribe that are defined in RFC 8058, and add List Unsubscribe headers to all outgoing promotional messages, as described in our Email sender guidelines.

For messages sent directly to personal Gmail accounts, the organizational domain in the sender From: header must be aligned with either the SPF organizational domain or the DKIM organizational domain. Although we require bulk senders to set up both SPF and DKIM authentication, only one of these needs to be aligned to meet the sender alignment requirements.

Only bulk senders that meet all the requirements in our Email sender guidelines, including authentication requirements, user-reported spam-rate requirements, and one-click unsubscribe for relevant traffic, are eligible for mitigation.

Hi, I'm looking for a way to bulk update the sender of all our automated emails to a new Email address. We had to rebrand and now have a new domain. I have changed the contact settings to the new email address, but when I now go into an Email, it no longer recognises the Send From address.

I'd recommend upvoting and commenting, the product team reviews these rqeuests based on their popularity. (You can help others find this request more easily by accepting my reply as a solution. I'd appreciate it!)

The requirements can be distilled into 3 categories: 1) stricter adherence to domain authentication, 2) give recipients an easy way to unsubscribe from bulk mail, and 3) monitoring spam complaint rates and keeping them under a 0.3% threshold.

* This blog was originally published in November 2023, and updated on January 12, 2024 to clarify timelines, and to provide links to additional resources. On February 27, 2024 it was further updated to clarify the regional SPF authenticated identifiers, and to link to the Using one-click-unsubscribe with Amazon SES blog published on February 6, 2024.

Mailbox providers will require domain-aligned authentication with DKIM and SPF, and they will be enforcing DMARC policies for the domain used in the From header of messages. For example, gmail.com will be publishing a quarantine DMARC policy, which means that unauthorized messages claiming to be from Gmail will be sent to Junk folders.

Adopt domain identities: Amazon SES customers who currently rely primarily on email address identities will need to adopt verified domain identities to achieve better deliverability with mailbox providers. By using a verified domain identity with SES, your messages will have a domain-aligned DKIM signature.

Be strategic with subdomains: Amazon SES customers should consider a strategic approach to the domains and subdomains used in the From header for different email sending use cases. For example, use the marketing.example.com verified domain identity for sending marketing mail, and use the receipts.example.com verified domain identity to send transactional mail.

Why? Marketing messages may have higher spam complaint rates and would need to adhere to the bulk sender requirements, but transactional mail, such as purchase receipts, would not necessarily have spam complaints high enough to be classified as bulk mail.

Bulk senders are expected to include a mechanism to unsubscribe by adding an easy to find link within the message. The February 2024 mailbox provider rules will require senders to additionally add one-click unsubscribe headers as defined by RFC 2369 and RFC 8058. These headers make it easier for recipients to unsubscribe, which reduces the rate at which recipients will complain by marking messages as spam.

There are many factors that could result in your messages being classified as bulk by any mailbox provider. Volume over 5000 per day is one factor, but the primary factor that mailbox providers use is in whether the recipient actually wants to receive the mail.

Add one-click unsubscribe headers to the messages you send: Amazon SES customers sending bulk or potentially unwanted messages will need to implement an easy way for recipients to unsubscribe, which they can do using the SES subscription management feature or by adding the necessary email headers.

Mailbox providers are requiring that large senders give recipients the ability to unsubscribe from bulk email in one click using the one-click unsubscribe header, however it is acceptable for the unsubscribe link in the message to direct the recipient to a landing page for the recipient to confirm their opt-out preferences.

Honor unsubscribe requests within 2 days: Verify that your unsubscribe process immediately removes the recipient from receiving similar future messages. Mailbox providers are requiring that bulk senders give recipients the ability to unsubscribe from email in one click, and that the senders process unsubscribe requests within two days.

If you adopt the SES subscription management feature, make sure you integrate the recipient opt-out preferences with the source of your email sending lists. If you implement your own one-click unsubscribe (for example, using Amazon API Gateway and an AWS Lambda function), make sure it designed to suppress sending to email addresses in your source email lists.

Mailbox providers will require that all senders keep spam complaint rates below 0.3% to avoid having their email treated as spam by the mailbox provider. The following steps outline how Amazon SES customers can meet the spam complaint rate requirement:

Enable Amazon SES Virtual Deliverability Manager: Enable Virtual Deliverability Manager (VDM) in your Amazon SES account. Customers can use VDM to monitor bounce and complaint rates for many mailbox providers. Amazon SES recommends customers to monitor reputation metrics and stay below a 0.1% complaint rate.

Segregate and secure your sending using configuration sets: In addition to segregating sending use cases by domain, Amazon SES customers should use configuration sets for each sending use case.

Using configuration sets will allow you to monitor your sending activity and implement restrictions with more granularity. You can even pause the sending of a configuration set automatically if spam complaint rates exceed your tolerance threshold.

These changes are planned for February 2024, but be aware that the exact timing and methods used by each mailbox provider may vary. If you experience any deliverability issues with any mailbox provider prior to February, it is in your best interest to adhere to these required best practices as a first step.

Whether or not you are a bulk sender is fuzzier. If you approached 5,000 more than once, you might be classified as a bulk sender. This language is pretty consistent with language that Google has used on the search algorithm, which means, they have no intention of disclosing all the ways this is calculated.

Buckle up, email senders. Starting in February 2024, Google and Yahoo are making major changes to email-sending requirements, and at the heart of this initiative stands a key term: bulk sender. 152ee80cbc

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