
Marta Lorenzon

I am an archaeologist and architectural specialist working as Academy academy fellow at the University of Helsinki. I received a PhD in Archaeology (2017) from the University of Edinburgh, having previously completed my studies at the University of Florence and the GSAPP, Columbia University.

My research concentrates on developing an interdisciplinary methodology for the study of ancient architecture, combining geoarchaeology, ethnoarchaeology, and social anthropology. Since 2005, I have worked in the Mediterranean region, the Americas, and Asia with a research focus on earthen architecture, identity construction, and the relationship between the natural and built environment.

My core expertise lies in building architecture, geoarchaeology, and ethnoarchaeology. Since January 2020, I am the PI of the #buildingsustainability project (2020-23), the Academy of Finland funded project EARTH (2022-27), the NOS-HS workshop series "Earthen architecture in the Nordic Countries" (2021-23).