Different Types Of Vaporizer That You Can Use

Vaporizer is an inhalation device also known as Vapes. It is used vaporize the plant components like tobacco, herbs or weed. These vapors are then inhaled by the person. If you use it properly it has cool temperature in comparison to smoking and is less harmful than smoking as the vapors are not taken direct but are second hand.

 It is one of the safest ways to get high.  It is because in orangina weed the weed or herb is burnt up at 451°F, which eliminates the risk of carcinogens and irritants that are found in smoking. It gives you a better feel as it converts 46 per cent of THC into vapors. If you are looking for vaporizer, search for frosty melon strain and you will get multiple online and offline options where you can buy this.

Different types of vaporizer available in market

So if you are looking into buying g code weed strain is the best to get a good deal. There different kind of vaporizers that are available in the market, each has their own way of vaping pot. It depends on what you are comfortable with. The types are:

Tabletop vaporizer – These are not portable and are plugged into wall even so they are in demand because of the feature of temperature and flavour control. Tabletop vapes are generally on the costly side starting from $150-$600 and much more. Even in this vaporizer you get two types one is whip-style and other is forced-air.

o   Whip-styles are the ones that are pretty popular. It has a whip or hose which carries the vapor generated to the mouth.  It uses dry weed for vaporizing, make sure that the weed doesn’t have any moisture. You have to suck in the vapor through your mouth in this whip-style tabletop vaporizer.

o   Forced-air vaporizer have an in-built fan, it gives huge hit. The in-built fan blows the vapor into the detachable balloon where it holds the flavour of the vapor for 10 minutes, prick it and put your mouth on the place and you are ready to inhale.


 Portable Vapes – They are becoming more and more popular day by day, as they are stealthy and can be carried anywhere. Designed in a manner that sometimes they even represent high end cigarettes, inhalers or USB drives. These use oil or plant base components. Search for strawberries and cream strain and you will get a whole lot of variety available.

Some Inhaling Knowledge

Inhaling using vaporizer may look easy but it requires some techniques to get most out of it. The advice that is generally given is start low and go slow. It should be taken like sipping a fine whiskey.

If you are a novice just start by filling the mouth and throat, but if you are a pro go for deep inhale and rejoice in the feeling of exhaling slowly and confidently and enjoy the feeling you wouldn’t get in traditional weed smoking.