My Great Work

First Movie.mp4

Babies documentary plus home movie footage:

It was important to me to show my daughter that she was both special to us, but also not the center of the world, I spliced her home movies over the "Babies" documentary to show her that she had so much in common with other babies, and also so much unique to her. The duality that we are all special and all ordinary. I used to take her to work everyday and it was nice having something to show her for the 2 hour commute, she liked it and I felt honored to teach her a little of the world and a little about herself in the time that she otherwise screamed for 2 hours during the drive. Our life together has always been beautiful and imperfect in patches like a calico cat's coat. I can't post this on Youtube due to the copyright issues, but I feel like I couldn't have achieved my goal without the help of the documentary and also that this use was educational and ethical.

Original Documentary and Where Are They Now?

Thank you to filmmaker Thomas Balmès, Ponijao and family from Namibia, Bayarjargal's and family from Mongolia, Mari and family from Tokyo and my star Kyara Mendoza, camera man (my husband) and filmmaker myself.

Thank you for joining me on this journey to see what a Japanese/Mexican American family life was like, I tried to capture the average and I think I did. The reason I excluded the other American family was because I felt the length got too long otherwise someday I plan to make a second version for my son including Hattie and excluding Bayarjargal. Assuming the FBI doesn't find me and shut me down for copyright infringement.