The Science of Effective mentorship in stemm

A Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) Graduate Deans Dissemination Event in Collaboration with the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM)

OUR Commitment to an accessible, inclusive, and respectful meeting

Diversity of voices, social inclusion, and respect are at the heart of what we do at both the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) and the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) and we regard diversity of perspectives as a source of strength and richness to our work. We are committed to identifying, preventing, and removing barriers to participation at this event. We aim to make our workshop a welcoming, inclusive event, and are continually working to improve the experience of our attendees; to provide feedback and make suggestions, we encourage you to reach out to us at As an attendee, we ask that you:

  • Aim to understand and learn from each other
  • Work to not interrupt those who are speaking
  • Spirited discussions are expected on these topics – see this as a sign that folks are engaged and care, and remember to be respectful as you speak and listen
  • Avoid assumptions or generalizations about groups. Do not ask individuals to speak for their (perceived) group.
  • Commit to using a microphone when you ask questions, so that everyone can hear
  • Be aware of attendees using canes or wheelchairs and give them room to get around
  • Give up an easily accessible seat if someone needs it

The National Academies are committed to the principles of diversity, integrity, civility and respect in all our activities. We look to you to be a partner in this commitment by helping us to maintain a professional and cordial environment. More information about expectations for participants in National Academies activities can be found on our website.


Note: The links below will bring you to websites based outside of this server.

NASEM "The Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM" Report

Big Ten Academic Alliance-Sponsored Initiatives

    • AGEP PAI (Professorial Advancement Initiative)
    • NRMN-CAN (National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) – CIC Academic Network (CAN) initiative
    • SROP (Summer Research Opportunities Program)

Resources on Mentorship in the Humanities

General Resources on Research Mentorship

Session materials & CROWD-SOURCED ideas

Session 1: Welcome, Introductions and Overview of Consensus Report

Session 2: Sharing Existing Models to Advance Mentorship Efforts

Session 3: Capacity Building and Institutional Culture Change

Session 4: Extending this Work Beyond STEMM

Session 5: Institutional Planning

Existing Mentoring Resources - Share!

Are there training programs at your institution that could be exported (hired) to other institutions to build capacity at your institution? Please share contact information and topic areas here.