Boise State Physics Astronomy 2019 Workshop

The Big Picture

Sponsored by Boise State’s Concurrent Enrollment Office and the Department of Physics, this two-day workshop will introduce high school physics, geoscience, and astronomy teachers to a variety of astronomical hands-on demonstrations and computer simulations. The workshop will also provide participants with many of the requisite materials to bring the demos home to their classrooms. This syllabus gives a detailed description of the course content, agenda, and the course instructors.

Workshop Instructors

Prof. Brian Jackson

I am an assistant professor teaching astronomy in the Physics Department at Boise State University.

Before coming to Boise State, I earned my PhD in Planetary Science from the University of Arizona‘s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory in Tucson AZ and my BS in Physics from Georgia Tech in Atlanta GA.

Tiffany Watkins, MS

I am the senior lecturer and departmental advisor for the Physics Department. I have 10+ years experience teaching physics and astronomy. I also manage our department's Concurrent Enrollment Program.

I received my BS in Physics and my MS in Education from Boise State .

Workshop Organizers

Fabiola Juarez-Coca

Rebecca Mattucci

Advanced Opportunities Coordinator (Fast Forward)

(208) 426-3802

Course Content

The workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the physics and astrophysics behind several specific classroom activities and also furnish a forum for questions and for discussion of how to implement the activities in class. The activities have been chosen to address elements of Idaho’s 2018 high school Science Standards and specific requests made by participants during registration to facilitate their inclusion in class.

Classroom Climate

This class is a community and contains diverse identities and perspectives. In alignment with the Boise State University statement of diversity and inclusivity, all community members are encouraged to contribute their perspectives and experiences and to listen respectfully to others. If you feel isolated from our classroom community in some way, please let the instructors know so that we can work together to create a more welcoming space for you.