Student Engagement

Student Engagement

Are my assessment tasks accessible and inclusive? Are they contemporary and relevant for student needs?

1. Outstanding Student Engagement

o The suite of assessment tasks are strategically planned to engage students through a range of methods such as connection to student lived experiences, interests, or prior knowledge; student autonomy; real world problems; contemporary issues; collaboration opportunities; or resemblance to activities conducted by real practitioners.

o Success and what is being asked of the student in all aspects of the tasks are clear from the instructions and marking schemes.

o There are extensive supports in place to ensure student wellbeing and engagement.

2. High Student Engagement

o The suite of assessment tasks aims to engage students through a range of methods such as connection to student lived experiences, interests, or prior knowledge; student autonomy; real world problems; contemporary issues; collaboration opportunities; or resemblance to activities conducted by real practitioners.

o Success and what is being asked of the student in the tasks is clear from the instructions and marking schemes.

o There are supports in place to ensure student wellbeing and engagement.

3. Satisfactory Student Engagement

o The suite of assessment tasks appropriately aims to engage students. This may include minimally utilising methods such as connection to student lived experiences, interests, or prior knowledge; student autonomy; real world problems; contemporary issues; collaboration opportunities; or resemblance to activities conducted by real practitioners.

o Students have a rough idea what success in the tasks will look like and the path there.

o There are adequate supports in place to ensure student wellbeing and engagement.

4. Minimal Student Engagement

o Not all assessment tasks aim to engage students. There is only token utilisation of methods such as connection to student lived experiences, interests, or prior knowledge; student autonomy; real world problems; contemporary issues; collaboration opportunities; or resemblance to activities conducted by real practitioners.

o Students are rather unclear what success in the tasks will look like or there is little clarity surrounding what the student is expected to do in areas of the assessment tasks.

o There are limited supports in place to ensure student wellbeing and engagement.

5. No Student Engagement

o The suite of assessment tasks do not aim to engage students.

o Success in the tasks are unclear. There is a lack of clarity of what the student is expected to do in the tasks or how to begin.

o There are no supports in place to ensure student wellbeing and engagement.