Phoenix Patrol Outing

June 1-3, 2018

Painesville, OH

We camped in Painsville, Ohio at Nicholas's grandparents' house. Here are my notes from the campout.

We arrived Friday night and set up camp. A few of us went in the pool that was at the house while dinner was prepared. We had walking tacos that night. We played in the pool and had s’mores later.

Saturday we started work on Citizenship in the Nation. And for breakfast we had PBJ french toast. Very interesting combo but no one was a huge fan. For lunch we had sandwiches then went to James A. Garfield National Historic Site. We learned a bit about his presidency and life. We went back to camp and finished the badge. We hung out more in the pool and had chuckwagon casserole. We later had banana boats.

The next day we had ham and cheese sandwiches for breakfast. We packed, cleaned up, and gifted our wonderful hosts with a card and gift card. It was a very successful and find campout since we bonded and did a lot together and finished and eagle merit badge. Those attending were Anthony, Dominic, Joe, Malcolm, Sam, Ayden, Nick, Colin, Mr. Botzman, and Mrs. Murrin.