Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation

July 11-17, 2010

Coshocton, OH

We had a great summer camp week at MVSR this year with plenty of advancement and fun. Although our Sunday started out with beautiful weather the first few days of camp were on the wet side with frequent rain and very little sun. It wasn't until our third day that the weather changed to clear skies and sunshine for the remainder of the week. Upon arrival the swim checks were delayed while a storm front moved through, so we moved in our gear and set up the dining fly. Shortly after that the all clear was given and we went to the pool for swim checks. It was a long wait, but the water really felt good. Once everyone was classified into their ability groups we returned to camp and changed into our uniforms for supper. After supper we all enjoyed a funfilled opening campfire.

Every day the scouts would head off to merit badge sessions or other activities within camp. During breaks they were able to come back to camp and work on their Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, and 1st Class scout skill requirements with either an adult leader or a one of the senior scouts. Although we were kept very busy, there was some time after lunch F.O.B. (Flat On Back) where it was nice just to kick back and relax. Each evening was filled with campwide activities such as the Night Hike and Pig Out on Monday, Lake Games were on a very wet Tuesday, Wednesday featured Family Night with a Campfire [Birdy Song!], and on Thursday most of the program areas were open for everyone to visit. Friday afternoon was a change of pace with many different activities all over camp. To kick it off, the adult leaders from each troop competed in a flag raising competition. The Slush Puppies did an awesome job putting up their flag in the shortest amount of time and winning the highest flag category. After that everyone went from one activity to the next competing in games, getting articles of clothing branded, learning a little scouting history, and even visiting the ice cream man. On Friday evening we went to the closing campfire for a few skits and songs. When we returned to camp it was time for homemade ice cream and assorted snacks from the food bag.

The final morning had us working busily packing up and cleaning the campsite. Once the vehicles were filled everyone headed out to the parade grounds for a short awards ceremony and send off. Then we were free to head to our cars for the drive home. Members of the troop participating in summer camp at MVSR were Allen, Alex A., Alex S., DJ, Danny, Derek, Doug, Erich, James, John, Matt, Michael, Nick, Raymond, Steven, Mr. Booth, Mr. Deran, Mr. Makowski, Mrs. Soroczak, Mr. Wrabel, and Mr. Zajac.

Group Shot Before Departure

All Packed Up Ready to Go

Welcome to MVSR

First Day at Camp

Opening Campfire

Breakfast Time

She Can't Take Much More Captain

Yes, We Have the Paperwork

Today's Activities Are...

Rough Day on the Trail

Must Be Some Good Eats

Your Friendly Hot Dog Bun Distributor

Lake Games - Row Boat Race

Lake Games - Tent Pitch

Lake Games - How Many Knots Can You Tie?

Lake Games - Loop Around the Loop

Lake Games - Row Boat Race

Lake Games - Tent Pitch

Gateway Construction

Flag Raising

Group Shot Before Departure

Service Project for Scoutmaster's Merit Badge

Family Night at the Gateway

Evening Retreat

Assembly Before Family Night Campfire

Kickin Back During F.O.B.

Look Here and Smile

A View of the Pool

High Five Picture Taking Dude

Ready for Supper

Slush Puppies Patrol Strategy Meeting

Practice for Flag Raising Competition

Basketry with Mr. Zajac

I Finished One!

Swim Call

Slush Puppies Take a Moment for Their Fans

Teamwork Competition

It's Up - Time 12 min. 53 sec.

Bird's Eye View

Time to Relax and Watch the Other Competitors

Yeah, It's the Ice Cream Man!

Branding Station