Dr Bryn Davies

Imperial College London


Bryn Davies is a mathematician whose work establishes mathematical solutions for fundamental problems in wave physics. He is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow in the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London, where he is part of Prof. Richard Craster's 'Waves' research group.

Bryn is an applied analyst and uses techniques from spectral theory, the analysis of PDEs and asymptotic methods, in combination with experiments, to study wave propagation in complex media. He has developed theory for applications including topological waveguides, high-contrast nano-particles, quasicrystalline materials, enhanced sensors and bio-inspired metamaterials.

Bryn acts as co-Lead of the Theory, Modelling and AI-Design special interest group (SIG) of the UK Metamaterials Network.

Before moving to Imperial College, Bryn was based at ETH Zurich where he worked under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Habib Ammari. He was previously a student at the University of Oxford, where he completed projects on exponential asymptotics and snaking bifurcations under the supervision of Dr. Philippe Trinh.

Alongside his research, Bryn is an experienced rocket scientist. He worked at the Swiss space initiative ARIS during his time in Zurich and continues to consult on several exciting projects.

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