Three-years Post-doctoral position in Geometry @ULB

A three years postdoctoral fellowships in Geometry and Geometric Analysis is available at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). 

The differential geometry group at the ULB is a dynamic research group with an excellent international reputation and a lively community of PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. The members of the group have extensive collaborations and links with other research institutions from around the globe. The group is active in Riemannian Geometry, Symplectic Geometry, Gauge Theory and Geometric Analysis. ULB features an excellent mathematics department providing a stimulating research environment and the math department is located in the pleasant and green setting of the "La Plaine" campus in the heart of Brussels. 

The position will be funded by the EoS FNRS grant « Beyond Symplectic Geometry ». The candidate will be expected to work with B. Premoselli, but interactions with other members of the geometry group of the ULB are encouraged. Main research topics for this position include Einstein Metrics, Conformal Geometry and Geometric PDEs, but all candidates with a strong background in Geometric Analysis are warmly encouraged to apply.

Practical information:

Requirements for this position:

Application and deadline:

Applications should be sent by email to Bruno Premoselli (bruno.premoselli(at) and should include:

Review of the applications will start on January 15, 2024, and will continue until the position is filled. Applications received before January 15, 2024, will be taken into full consideration.