Brugse meesters 2024

9 rounds (7 for the seniors tournament), take up to 2 byes in the first 4 days.
3  tournaments: Open, U1800 and seniors (55+)
Side event:  closed GM tournament by Thinkers Publishing
New location: Sint-Lodewijkscollege, Magdalenastraat 30, 8200 Brugge
(train station at 300m, free car parking at the school, 50 cheap rooms in the school)
7.500 euro prizes

IMPORTANT: We can only host 300 participants in all open tournaments combined. When we reach the 300 mark, a waiting list will be started.  We expect to reach that mark before the end of June!
Your registration is only final after payment of the registration fee. (Non-EU residents should contact for the payment.)

Brugse Meesters Flyer 2024n.pdf
Brugse Meesters Flyer ENG 2024.pdf

Eiermarkt 17  8000 Brugge

St-Amandstraat 23  8000 Brugge

contact: tournament director