Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of BRT Poker Star





Protecting privacy of the BRT Poker Star community members is our priority.


We do everything to make sure that your personal data are safely protected against any act of unauthorised disclosure or breach of security.


When we collect your personal data, we do it in order to provide you with services which are reliable and of a highest possible quality. The data are processed by us only to the extent which is necessary to provide our services.





We are able to collect your data in different ways, in particular:


When you set up an account on our website and you use its functions


When you install or update the App of the game


When you order merchandise from our shop


When you access and play our BRT Poker Star


When you communicate with us through designated channels





As a part of the process of registration on our website, forum and wiki, we process your e-mail address, your username and your IP address, in order to ensure a smooth functioning of your account.


When you download BRT Poker Star or make use of any automatic update of the game, we process the time and the type of download and your username for the purposes of monitoring the demand for the game and also for the purposes of tackling the cases of illegal downloading.


In connection with emailing we intend to process only your email address. In case you are not a BRT Poker Star player or a registered user, you will be required to give consent to the processing of your address in order to receive the newsletter. You can always unsubscribe easily by clicking the appropriate link included in each e-mail or by sending an e-mail to us.


If you contact us with a question or a request, we can process your e-mail address and other personal data you decide to provide us with. Please be careful about your privacy and do not include unnecessary sensitive information.





We are allowed to process your personal data based on the following legal bases:


The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract


By signing up on our website, our wiki, or our forum you agree to the terms and conditions of their use. We process your data in order to be able to provide you with the services you expect.


We also need to process your personal data for the purposes of completing your merchandise orders and delivering the goods to you.


Processing is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests, except where such interests are overridden by your rights


Our legitimate interests include the necessity to analyse the demand for our products as well as the download statistics, the protection against piracy and (regarding the personal data from your CV) the legitimate interest of the users .


Processing is based on your consent


If applicable, we will give you an easy option to provide consent to the processing of personal data as well as the option to withdraw your consent at any time.





We do not sell your personal data or disclose it in any manner to unauthorised third parties.


We never disclose your personal data (including your e-mail address) to any third parties for the purposes of marketing.


We can only disclose your personal data to third parties when we are obliged to do so pursuant to applicable law or when it is necessary for the provision of our services.


Provision of some of our services would not be possible without cooperation with our contracting partners (processors), affiliated entities or foreign offices. We can disclose your personal data to such persons only to the extent which is necessary for the provision of our services and performance of our legal duties. We never disclose your personal data to any third persons for purposes different to those for which your data are collected in the first place.


The Official BRT Poker Star forum. It only collects minimal data needed to serve the forum. It has its own privacy policy here, Which only applies if you register an account.


Our cooperating code developers and external team members and consultants.





You may exercise various rights in relation to your personal data. We promise to do our best to meet your requests. To exercise full control over your data, you have the following rights:


a.right to get necessary information about the processing of your data (right of access)


b.right to demand a correction of inaccurate data (right to rectification) and right to be notified of such correction having been carried out


c.right to erasure of your personal data from our databases in case the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it has been collected or when you revoke your consent to processing of your personal data


d.right to restriction of processing and notification of such restriction having been carried out


e.right to object at any time to processing of personal data based on our legitimate interests as described above


f.right to revoke your consent to processing of personal data where the consent is the legal basis of such processing


We will do the utmost to assist you with exercising your rights, to answer your questions, meet your request and solve all complaints. If you need our assistance, please send us an email to us and specify how we can help you or what can we do for you. Please always contact us from the e-mail address you normally use when using our services so we can make sure that your personal data are not disclosed to any unauthorised persons.


If you are not satisfied with the way we have dealt with your request, you have the right to file a complaint with us by email.






By subscribing to our newsletter you consent to a processing of your email address for the purpose of receiving news about our products and services. We always try to make the newsletter interesting and useful to you with the content being closely connected to our products and services that you use or may want to use in the future.


You can always unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link included in each newsletter. After you do that you will no longer receive our newsletter and we will not be allowed to process your e-mail address for this purpose.


We assure you that:


We hate SPAM as much as you do. We will not send you unsolicited commercial emails or disclose your email address to anyone who would do so.


We will be sending our newsletter in reasonable intervals to make you curious rather than annoyed.


Your demands and questions concerning our mailing activities are always welcomed. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need anything.





We want to keep the online world safe for children. We are not allowed to process personal data of children under 13. If you are 13 or under 13, please do not install the APP or play the game.





You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account name and password.


Do not allow any other person to use your account.


If you think your account name and/or password have been compromised please inform us.





If you require any more information or details regarding the privacy policy please contact us by email





We reserve the right to change or amend this policy in the future. Any future changes or amendments will be posted on this page and, if necessary, communicated to you by e-mail. Please check back regularly to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy.


This policy was last updated on the December 7th 2023.