Brown Ja Apps Privacy Policy

Brown Ja Apps Privacy Policy

This privacy policy reflects the ways we are dealing with information, which is considered “personal information” and is addressed to the end-users of our apps.

What we gather

We are keeping information about installation of our apps on your device (like time, date, IP-address). We are keeping the unique ID of your device, if it is submitted by your device during installation.

We can request some information directly for the purpose of registering you in the social network or high scores system (like e-mail address). If you are purchasing the license via our web-site we will store your IP-address, country information mobile number and the transaction information.

How do we use it

We process the statistics of downloaded apps in an anonymous way to improve our services and provide you with better services. Other than that we do not store any user information

How do we share it

We do not. We do not give access to our information to the third parties, we never link our information to any other databases. For the last five years we have never received any requests from the state authorities of any country for providing such information.

Third Party Services

In our free apps we use Google AdMob advertising service. AdMob's privacy policy is available at

On our website we use Google Analytics to gather traffic information. This may include storing cookies with your web browser. Google Analytics privacy policy is available at


Some of our Android apps were reported to be requesting access to the contacts book of the mobile phones. This is required by the “tell a friend” feature. Nevertheless, your contacts information is used within your phone and never downloaded by us.

Our policy may be updated from time to time. Latest version will be posted on our site.

Should you have any questions regarding your personal information, please contact us by e-mail: