PROBLEM: After four days of design work, everything was coming to a close when the background for text blocks stopped working. I had spent hours setting all the colors as I want them, but all of the sudden all text blocks changed to a sky blue that is on my palette. Where I had opacity, it removed it.

WHAT I HAVE TRIED TO FIX IT: I checked everything that I thought could be my fault, but it appears to be a glitch in Squarespace. For example, when I go into the edit mode, the colors change back to how I want them so it appears that everything is OK. However, in the preview mode it shows the blue.

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WHEN THE PROBLEM BEGAN: I was uploading a photo (not touching colors) and between one moment and another the colors changed throughout the whole website. Therefore, again, I do not believe this was caused by something I did.

In Broken Color, Dean Kostos takes his cue from the Impressionists, who placed colors onto canvas with discrete brushstrokes. The result is a poetic voice that brings memories and perceptions to the surface in statements rich with color and texture. Kostos uses his painterly sensibility to cover topics such as a difficult childhood, and he brings us along on his more recent travels to seek out influential works of art. He vividly describes American, European and Japanese pieces, and brings them to light, as well as to life. We emerge more complete to have taken these journeys with him.

With older artists and books the mention of broken colour is nearly always referring to mixing colours on the palette and braking them with the use of complements or near compliments or some other strategy. Since the impressionists a new way of using the term has immerged and they are referring to the tiling of paint strokes that mix optically. So to understand the term you need to understand the context in which it is being used.

Thanks a lot Patrick, that is exactly what I think broken color is too.

About the darks, I change stuff over time so much that I find it hard to remember exact details, but what I did was, I went back to the thread I posted when I did this and found a post that listed the palette colors I used:

for this one I used Winsor Newton Artisan water soluble oils and these colors, the initial toning was with burnt sienna* and drew in the shapes and light and shadows with light/warm to cool/dark mixes of burnt sienna and ultramarine blue.

Then for the over painting I used cad red hue, cad orange hue, cad yellow pale hue, ultramarine blue, phthalo green, and titanium white.

Take a look at the way Cezanne used broken colour in some of the areas that could have been quite flat and boring. Broken colour is the use of different colours of the same tonal value side by side. This brings a vibrancy to the patch of paint and a lot of visual interest.

"Tag colors are broken in Mac Finder: I have a tag that's color is set to purple (all of the photos tagged with this tag have a purple circle next to them) but the tag in the sidebar is not purple, it's grey. I can't seem to fix it, any ideas?(I use Ventura 13.4.1)"

A beautiful, bushy, heirloom ornamental that bears delicately scented blooms in the cool of morning and late afternoon, hence the name. The petunia-like, trumpet-shaped flowers come in shades of pink, red, yellow and white, most with eye-catching streaks of contrasting colors. Forms an attractive bushy mound shape and makes an excellent bedding plant. Very easy to grow, and blooms consistently over a long period.

After tonight's full system upgrade, my FvwmIconMan seems to be using the wrong colors. Since I use a black/dark red/red colorscheme, I haven't been able to identify yet whether it is simply ignoring certain colors or if it is somehow addressing the incorrect colorset, but it does appear to at least stick with the three colors I use; they're just misplaced.

After some experimentation, I've determined that the colorsets I set are certainly being used; that is, none of my defined colors are being ignored. I'm fairly certain at this point that FvwmIconMan has simply scrambled its background colors... for instance, I noticed that where should be Colorset 0's "bg" color is in fact Colorset 2's "sh" color, and where should be Colorset 2's "bg" is Colorset 0's "sh." This appears to affect only FvwmIconMan!

I tried both the latest CVS and using no configuration file, launching FvwmIconMan and configuring it and the colorsets from the Fvwm console, and saw no difference in behavior. I really am pretty certain this is not a problem with Fvwm (unless it's a shared object breakage, but my compiling the CVS head from source would have resolved that)

I've seen this before, with a broken or missing rgb.txt file which ships along with the XServer -- where the colour definitions live. Although X11 will usually fail to start if it can't find it. I doubt it's that thoguh -- but if you want to widen your search a little, do you get any other oddities with other GUI programs which you didn't get before?

I still have not found a solution to this problem. I did finally take the time to characterize exactly which colors are wrong. As it turns out, it's not that they're choosing colors from the wrong colorset, but rather that they're selecting colors from other FvwmIconMan colorset values:

Expected result:

Windows for each respective profile should respect the Brave colors setting. This was always the case previously but broke after the last update.

Brave Version( check About Brave):


Additional Information:

Setting separate Brave colors for different profiles is a tremendously useful way to provide a quick visual cue as to which profile the window is using.

Four O'Clock plants are bushy and can reach heights of 2 to 4 feet (60 to 120 cm). The leaves are simple and ovate, and they are typically green but can vary in color. The Bicolor Mix variety produces flowers in a wide range of colors and combinations. The most common bicolor combinations include pink and white, yellow and red, and red and white. The flowers are trumpet-shaped and have a pleasant fragrance. They open in the late afternoon and stay open until the next morning, hence the common name "Four O'Clock."

Here is the weird thing.

When opening the dashboard the colors are not loaded correctly. After going into the edit mode of the table and just clicking on color of the threshold and reselect it again - its applied correctly for this specific column. But when saving the changes again and reloading the whole dashboard its broken again.

In the journey of life and leadership, we often encounter challenges that make us feel like we're broken, unable to carry on. But just as a broken crayon still has the ability to fill the page with vibrant colors, so too can we continue to make an impact, even when we feel fragmented, rejected, not appreciated, and worn down.

Reflect on the profound wisdom of "Broken Crayons Still Color." It's a reminder that we are capable of remarkable things, even when we feel broken by life's challenges. Embrace resilience in your leadership journey, and you'll find that not only can you continue to color the canvas of your life, but you can also inspire others to do the same. I encourage all of you to find the broken crayons in your box and us these tips to help sharpen them.

On my linux machine, you can tell intact symlinks from broken ones, because broken ones are colored red. I've tried to set this up on my mac by adding some configurations to PSCOLORS in my .bash_profile, but so far nothing has worked. I've managed to get the coloring to tell apart directories, files, executables, and symlinks. However, the broken symlinks are not a different color than intact symlinks. Searching around on google hasn't rendered any promising results. Ideas? Tricks? ff782bc1db

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