Applied & Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry

Weekly Reading Seminars


University of Bristol

Welcome to the Bristol Algebra Reading Seminars taking place on Thursdays 15:00-16:00 in the second floor seminar room at Howard House.

The aim is to prepare students for the talks at the A3G Conference by organising several reading seminars and introductory talks by students and postdocs both from the university and abroad. Attending the reading seminars will be counted as a 10 cp for Ph.D. students in TB1 and another 10 cp in TB2.


Please fill in this form to get updates on the meetings and also the relevant materials for the A3G Conference. If you are interested in attending the A3G Conference, please attend the meeting to be prepare for the event.

First Meeting

We meet in the Portacabin 3 in the Main Math Building on Thursday, October 12th.

What to Present

Please check the abstracts of the talks at A3G Conference and inform me if you are interested to present an introductory talk on any relevant subject. I will send you all the preliminary materials to present. I am also happy to meet and go through your presentation and the details of your talk.

Talks (Second Semester): The dates/times might be slightly changed when we have everyone's schedule.

All seminars will be in the 2nd floor seminar room.

The main reference for the talks on toric varities is the lecture note by David Cox.

  • February 7, 2019: Peter Bradshaw -- Toric Varieties 1, Example 1.7 (with the main theorem from the book), Theorem 1.13

Seminar Venue: 2nd floor seminar room, Howard House

  • February 14, 2019: Ollie Clarke -- Toric Varieties 2, Exercise 2.1, Sections 2.3-2.5

Seminar Venue: 2nd floor seminar room, Howard House

  • February 21, 2019: Janet Page -- Toric Varieties 3, Sections 3.1-3.3

Seminar Venue: 2nd floor seminar room, Howard House

  • February 28, 2019: Sally Emerson -- Toric Varieties 4, Sections 3.4-3.6

Seminar Venue: 2nd floor seminar room, Howard House

  • March 7, 2019: Andrew Ferguson -- Toric Varieties 5, Sections 3.4-3.6

Seminar Venue: 2nd floor seminar room, Howard House

  • March 21, 2019: Kevin Grace -- Flag matroids: algebra and geometry

Seminar Venue: 2nd floor seminar room, Howard House

  • April 4, 2019: Charley Cummings-- On local Dressians of matroids

Seminar Venue: 2nd floor seminar room, Howard House

Talks (First Semester)

  • October 12, 2018: Ollie Clarke -- What is a matroid?

Seminar Venue: Portacabin 3

  • October 19, 2018: Peter Bradshaw -- Interesting families of matroids

Seminar Venue: 2nd floor seminar room, Howard House

  • October 25, 2018: Ollie Clarke -- Matroids from algebraic point of view

Seminar Venue: Portacabin 3

  • November 1, 2018: Janet Page -- Brief introduction to tropical geometry

Seminar Venue: 2nd floor seminar room, Howard House

  • November 8, 2018: Kevin Grace -- Matroid Connectivity and Templates

Seminar Venue: 2nd floor seminar room, Howard House

COW Seminar Venue: 4th floor seminar room, Howard House

  • November 22, 2018: Fatemeh Mohammadi -- Introduction to toric geometry

Seminar Venue: 2nd floor seminar room, Howard House

  • November 29, 2018: Tom Ducat -- Toric Varieties and Fans

Seminar Venue: Portacabin 3

  • December 6, 2018: Tom Ducat -- Projective Toric Varieties

Seminar Venue: 2nd floor seminar room, Howard House