brigon fyrite kit supplier in india


We KG Medical Industries is Best Brigon Fyrite Kit Supplier in India since 2010 to till now. We have been dealing with the product of Brigon Company (Germany) for about fifteen years. Brigon Company is the world's most popular Brigon Fyrite kit Indicator manufacturer. It produces many ranges of Fyrtie kit Indicators such as CO2 0-20%, CO2 0-10%, CO2 0-60, and CO 0-21%. Brigon is a German based company. We are the authorised channel partner of this Brigon Products in India. For any Product related enquiry you can contact us.

How to use Brigon Fyrite Kit Indicator

Easty to Use

Brigon Indicator Fyrite Kit is very easy to use, after watching this video you will get a complete understanding of how the Brigon Indicator are used and how to measure the gas readings of the carbon dioxide incubator.


  1. Easy to Use.

  2. More Reliable.

  3. Long Lasting.

  4. Service Centers available in India.

  5. 24 Hours Technical Support.

  6. Available in Many Ranges.

  7. Low-Cost Maintenance.

  8. Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Models available.

  9. All Products available at our online website.

  10. Internationally Certified Product.


Brigon Indicator or Fyrit Kit is the world's most accurate oxygen and carbon dioxide gas measuring instrument till date. Its main reason is that no electronic or electrical device of any kind is used inside it, so that any type of part inside cannot be damaged. If we talk about electronic gas analyzer available in the market like Geotech Gas analyzer, there are many electronic parts inside it. In which the main one is the gas detector IR sensor in digital analyser whose self-life quantity is about 3-5 years, after that the sensor needs to be replaced which is very expensive and almost all types of digital gas analyzer’s sensor have to be replaced from time to time as well as it have to be sent for calibration in within 3-6 months, which is a very expensive process, if you calculate, you will find that in 2-3 years the cost of calibration becomes more than digital gas analyzer.

In comparison with both, there is no use of any kind of electronic parts inside the Brigon Indicator. It never needs any kind of calibration, only the fluid bottle is used inside it, which needs to be replaced with given time period which is cheaper if we talk about the whole Brigon Indicator. All its parts are easily available in the market and are also cheaper.


The gas reading of the Brigon Gas Indicator is never wrong as compared to any other digital analyzer because it is based on the OSARAT gas principle, which is the world's most accurate gas measuring system. The biggest reason for its accuracy is that it is never required any kind of gas calibration, whereas if the digital analyzer is not calibrated on time, then it can give false readings.