Brew only does creates separate versions for certain formula, and its mostly only the larger ones where they might provide different versions due to backward compatibility and stuff.You might have some luck with the answers in this question Homebrew install specific version of formula?.

I think first you can try to run 'brew install minikube' only, see if you can successfully install it or not. If no error then it's probably your version issue. If still has Error then that might be your local home-brew issues, then you can Try to run 'brew doctor', based on the warning and Error info search in stackoverflow you probably will find out the answer.

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The suggested fixes, brew extract, brew create, or brew tap-new are totally foreign to me and I wasn't sure where to begin. Googling it lead me down a path of more brew related terminology I had never heard of before.

I could have saved countless hours sigh ... Like you, I'm no brew expert, so I felt a bit blind, walking into the abyss... eventually, after oh so many hours, I did manage to get this to work, but with a way more convoluted procedure...

Update 2022: Unfortunately, Aleks Hudochenkov is no longer updating his repo. There are a bunch of other repos on GitHub that purport to contain a Homebrew recipe for sshpass. It's up to you which of them (if any) to trust.

After running brew update, you receive a Git error warning about untracked files or local changes that would be overwritten by a checkout or merge, followed by a list of files inside your Homebrew installation.

This is an issue in the connection between your machine and GitHub, rather than a bug in Homebrew itself. See this discussion topic for a number of solutions others have found, such as using a wired connection or a VPN, or disabling network monitoring tools.

After performing an upgrade to, no frame rate conversions seem to work in MPV, and I cannot even open SVP in VLC from the menu. I get this error: Please install Vapoursynth via Homebrew. Functionality seems to work but frame rate conversions do not.

Uninstalling mpv... (30 files, 10.8MB)

Uninstalling vapoursynth... (22 files, 3.9MB)

Warning: Calling Non-checksummed download of mpv formula file from an arbitrary URL is deprecated! Use 'brew extract' or 'brew create' and 'brew tap-new' to create a formula file in a tap on GitHub instead.

######################################################################## 100.0%

mpv: A full installation of is required to compile

this software. Installing just the Command Line Tools is not sufficient.

I've been having the same problem with VLC, when I click the option to enable svp in vlc I get this error: Please install Vapoursynth via Homebrew. I went into the terminal and entered the homebrew command to install vapoursynth, but it tells me I already have it. Also, the install command that Chainik provided, I tried it, and this is what it says: Error: Installation of mpv from a GitHub commit URL is unsupported! `brew extract mpv` to a stable tap on GitHub instead. Is there a solution to this?

Some communities like homebrew ensure the safety of archives by checksum, but would certainly fail due to this problem: svt-av1: fix sha256 checksum by qianbinbinĀ  Pull Request #127055Ā  Homebrew/homebrew-coreĀ  GitHub

An easy way to obtain libgdiplus is by using the Homebrew ("brew") package manager for macOS. After installing brew, install libgdiplus by executing the following commands at a Terminal (command) prompt:

Notice in the above example that best practices are not being followed. brew- will change every build causing an upload every time even if the value has not changed. This will eventually cost you money, and never save you any time. Instead pick a cache key like the following:

The Homebrew core Ghostscript formula no longer supports X11, whichalso prevents use of GV (a derivative of Ghostview). I created thiscustom tap to allow users to install these formulae once again, oneither Mac and Linux systems. First, installHomebrew if necessary.

Ghostscript will be installed askeg-only, meaningit will not be linked into /usr/local to prevent conflicts with thecore Ghostscript formula. However you can still access the X11-enabledbinaries directly at $(brew --prefix)/opt/ghostscript-x11/bin.

(I'm on Mac, and brew search diff gives me apgdiff colordiff diffstat diffutils fmdiff libxdiff open-vcdiff podiff rfcdiff vbindiffbsdiff diffpdf diffuse dwdiff kdiff3 ndiff perceptualdiff rdiff-backup tkdiff wdiff ... would one of these do the job?)

This post is a summary of the efforts to save my Postgresql installation under Homebrew in Macos Mojave. The origin of the error most probably was a brew update that led to an upgrade from postgres 12 to postgres 13. This caused a connection error and I could not get into my postgres database, either via port 5432 or direct access via psql.

the whole exercise above ended with a complete crash of the Homebrew installation. I could not brew update or brew doctor. I thus uninstalled the complete Homebrew installation as instructed on this page.

same here ... "Could not open extension control file "/opt/homebrew/opt/postgresql@15/share/postgresql@15/extension/postgis.control": No such file or directory." i had my homebrew/postgresql@15 installed and tested. then did the "brew install postgis" -> which reported to be installed in /opt/homebrew/Cellar (that's ok since /opt/homebrew/opt is sybol-linked to /opt/homebrew/Cellar) and there is no postgis.control-file at that location. but there is a postgis.control file from today at /opt/homebrew/opt/postgresql@14/ ... fact is, that i just recently upgraded from 14 to 15 via homebrew upgrades. anyone here who knows how to direct a "brew install postgis" to the location of the newer postgresql@15-version ?

In previous brew versions you could install a package by directly linking to the GitHub repo that hosts the Formula/.rb file.The repository is usually called homebrew- and you can browse through the git commits to find an old Formula/.rb file.For example, you could install an old version of EOSIO.CDT by doing: 006ab0faaa

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