I am currently a Lecturer at the University of Georgia.

Previously, I was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania during 2019-2022 and was a temporary Assistant Professor at Fitchburg State University in Fitchburg, MA, during the 2018-2019 school year.  I finished my PhD at the University of Missouri-Columbia under the direction of Calin Chindris in the spring of 2018.

My research interests are in the representation theory of algebras, specifically, using quivers to understand the algebraic, geometric, and combinatorial properties of finite-dimensional algebras. There are many fascinating connections between quivers and diverse areas of math and physics, which is why I'm also interested in other areas of representation theory, algebraic combinatorics, algebraic geometry, invariant theory, commutative algebra, homological algebra, and tilting theory.

My interests outside of math include reading, good movies, cooking, powerlifting, and playing with my cat, Myshkin


Contact Info


University of Georgia

633 Boyd GRSC

Department of Mathematics

Athens, GA, 30602