Our Members

Computer Engineers:

  • Albert Rafou
  • Karam Saleem

Electrical Engineers:

  • Peter Sadik
  • Rami Alsayeq
  • Neever Kryakos
  • Alejandro Martinez

Our Advisor

  • Dr. Yusuf Ozturk

Our Goal


We plan to create a respiratory monitoring belt that will track breathing related health issues such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Sleep Apnea, and other similar diseases at an affordable price for the everyday consumer. Devices similar to this have a price tag so high, that most people shy away from making the purchase.

In the professional scene, our designated market would most likely be geared towards doctors, athletes, and nutritionists who are in need of an accurate and lightweight device.

Block Diagram

Team Accomplishments

Breathing Patterns

Thus far, our team has been to simulate breathing patterns through the use of our sensor and magnetometer.

Infrared Sensor Detection

Our software team has written a Python program to read 128 bits of data from a Panasonic GridEye Infrared Sensor serially, in order to plot it onto a heat map.

PCB Layout

The figure above shows the through hole printed circuit board design we created with a magnetometer, a simple RC low-pass filter, and two amplifier chips.

Bluetooth Interfacing

We plan on using the Nordic nRF52840 Bluetooth Adapter above to transmit the data received from our filter over to the users mobile device


A simple home page for our connection-based app.


When the connect tab is pressed, the app attempts to establish a connection with the NRF52840. If it is successful, the user defines how long they would like the data to be recorded for. This screenshot shows an example of the results that we receive from the development kit board after running it for 5 seconds.


When the data tab is pressed, the app displays the generated graph from the data recorded and transmitted by the board. To get back to the home page, the user presses on the reset side tab.


A simple about page that lists our project group members and advisor.

Senior Design 496A/B (Fall 2019-Spring 2020)