- Some weapons/gadgets are not placed correctly in the HUD.

- I think the map named "Venator" is highly unfinished: The node 2 and 3 are floating, for some reason all the jedi are stuck on the node 1's corridor (i'm not sure if you can fix this but i think i never see them on the main hangar where the battle usually is), the wall right in-front of node 2 seems to be invisible from the inner part, same thing for the opposite side wall and at the very hand of the hanger there are 2 holes where you can fall into, also, the wall in-front of node 3 has a hole too. If you spawn at node 1 and decide to not go in the battle (so going in the corridor that connects to point 0) but instead you go behind into a corridor that seems to lead into some sort of cells, you will fall into the void. There is no death barrier when you fall into either all these holes or the main big one and you are forced to respawn. On the "Execute order 66" mode the AI is not working at all unless you "interact" with them (either shooting or killing them), if you kill them they seem to work better (Darth Maul seems to be there too, not sure if this is intended since it's not part of the main objective and it's not "arrowed"). The main objective says "The clones have betrayed us. Survive as long as possible" and on "Victory and Death" mode the object says "Execute order 66. Eliminate the jedi" so they are reversed. Always on "Victory and Death" Ahsoka and Rex's primary weapon (Stun double pistols and lightsaber) are missing localization and so code-named in italian. Considering there are 2 rooms where you can see the outside, it would be nice to add some kind of deserted plains or maybe some low-poly structures instead of seeing the void.

- Would be great if double pistols or akimbo have a correct first-person view.

- The non-armored "clone engineer (heavy)" has a bugged first-person model, same thing goes for "Clone Naval Officer (Pioneer)". "Shadow Clone Trooper", "Commander Bacara" and "Fives" have only the secondary weapon bugged in first-person (for Bacara this only happens when he has a pistol and so on "Season 4-6" era). "Spec Ops Clone Trooper" does not have the same issue but has a wrong coloration (it's white).

- Obi-Wan seems to have T-posed hands not grabbing the lightsaber correctly, same thing for Ahsoka, Aayla Secura, Quinlan Vos, Yoda and Jocasta Nu.

- This is not an issue but the Orbital strike's launching range is pretty much non-existing making it hard to use (this is probably done on purpose but a better range won't be bad) and it also doesn't work on any small map (not actually small as size but maps that have small ceiling) and turns to be very useless on most occasions.

- "Utapau": The "Dwarf Spider Walker" is not actually touching the ground and if you exit the vehicle it will insta-kill you. The "Crab Droid" spawns half into the ground. I'm not sure about this one but on "Season 7" era ALL the clones have "false projectiles", meaning that most of the time the projectiles literally pass through the droids without doing any damage. I tried to restart the game multiple times but the issue seems to always appear.

- "Umbara": If you get eaten by the Sarlacc Pit the game will crash. The mode where you fight against "Pong Krell" is named "Capture The". Not sure about this but the modes "Friendly Fire", "Capture The ?Jedi?" and "Kill The Clones" have a wrong map and mini-map.

- This is not a bug or anything but just a consideration. I'm not sure why the class named "Medic" has unlimited ammo while actually being a medic, he is also the only one with unlimited ammo even tho we have more "VIP" or "known" clones outside of Rex which to me makes sense he has unlimited ammo because not only he is the commander of the 501st legion but it's also his only weapon (this feature might be interesting on the Clone Trooper -Pioneer- since he is the ammo guy).

- The LAAT doesn't seem to work like the classic LAAT where you can spawn into or near it (i like this idea but not sure if was intentional).

- "Tatooine: 1" (Mos Eisley) seems to have loading images of "Tatooine: 2" (Jabba's Palace).

- "Tantive IV": The pillar at the center of the room of node 3 seems to have a very big hitbox that does not match the pillar's model and you will end up shooting at it trying to hit the guy on the other side, i don't remember this being a thing on the original map but maybe i'm wrong. The first attack animation of Ahsoka in "Brainworm" mode is a bit weird, she kinda kill herself.

- "Ryloth": The map is not working correctly. I searched around and seems that you need to run the game using the installed launcher, however, it's actually NOT installed? It points to a file named "NO_DVD.exe" which does not exist. I also noticed that this "notice" is ONLY written in a comment under "Beta 2.1 Version 1.2" and that's it, it's not on any description or even on the .pdf where it should actually be.

- I love the "Deployable Barrier" since you can even crouch behind it and it perfectly fits, it's amazing, however it being infinite creates a very funny scenario on "Polis Massa" since you can literally block forever a tunnel. Maybe would be better to have a very high health but not infinite.

- All the Commanders that use a long rifle (such as "Commander Cody") have a very weird "throwing grenade" animation.

- The "Doom Unit Clone Trooper (Assault)" is missing the name of its primary weapon (the gun and the shield).

- The "182th Battalion Clone Trooper (Medic)" is missing the icon of "Electrohealing" in "Polis Massa", same thing for "21st Nova Corps Galatic Marine (Medic)" in "Mygeeto" and "Hoth" and for "327th Star Corps Clone Trooper (Medic) in "Dagobah".

- All "B1 Battle Droid" droid-style are not keeping correctly the left hand under the gun in pretty much any action, the only exception seems to be the "Droid Commando".

- All "21st Nova Corps Galactic Marine" and "Green Company Scout Trooper" are missing first-person models.

- "Mygeeto": all "placeable" gadgets such as "E-web Dispenser" or "Deployable Barrier" are somewhat pushed to the end of the map, this issue also appears on "Kamino" but only for "E-Web Dispenser". At the very start of the bridge between node 4 and 5 there seems to be a hole more on the left side (near node 4). You can't fall in it but grenades can.

- The "CIS Super Tank" seems to have a wrong hitbox on the front part and you can enter inside it.

- I'm starting to think the "Pioneer" and the "Medic" are somewhat inverted. I already talked about the medic but how the hell can the ammo guy have just one magazine on his secondary weapon (?) and just 20 shots with his shotgun? To me makes sense the medic has less ammo since he shouldn't be the first in action.

- I'm not sure how i did but on "Hoth" there is a bug where most of the clones start floating above the ground, this seems to appear only on "Season 7".

- The "Spider Walker" on "Geonosis" is pretty much non-hittable, most of the projectiles just pass through.

- "Aayla Secura" has code-named lightsabers.

- I'm not sure how a "Spider Walker" spawned on node 3 on "Endor" but it's too big to get out of that spot and so it's stuck.

- All the weapons used by clones in the mode "Capture Ahsoka" on "Coruscant: 2" are code-named.

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