Brazos Analysis Seminar

This regional semi-annual seminar series is supported by the National Science Foundation, Baylor University, Texas A&M University, Texas Christian University, the University of Houston and the University of Texas at Tyler. The goal is to bring together analysts at academic institutions within the South-Central region of the United States on a regular basis to communicate their research, with a particular emphasis on providing an opportunity for young researchers and graduate students to meet, collaborate and disseminate their work on a regular basis during the academic year.

Organizers: Michael Brannan (Texas A&M University), José Carrión (Texas Christian University), Mehrdad Kalantar (University of Houston), Tao Mei (Baylor University), and David Milan  (University of Texas at Tyler).

Fall 2020 Meeting: November 7-8.

Location: Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.  

METHOD OF DELIVERY: This meeting is being run as an online + face-to-face hybrid meeting.   The entire meeting will be hosted and streamed over Zoom, allowing remote speakers and participants to fully participate in the meeting  online, while also allowing local participants to attend or present lectures in a safe, socially distanced setting.  The organizers encourage remote participation, but also recognize the need for many participants to have an in-person option.

ON-CAMPUS PARTICIPANTS: All lectures can be viewed from Blocker Building Room 166 on the Texas A&M Campus.  As per state and university rules, face coverings are mandatory inside buildings and appropriate social distancing measures will be enforced.


Zoom Link (Password to be posted here later):

CAREER PANEL: On Saturday at 3:30pm we plan to host an informal career panel with the panelists being the plenary speakers at the meeting.  This will be an open and very relaxed discussion where people can ask questions and provide advice.

Invited Speakers: 

*=graduate student, ^=to be confirmed

ABSTRACTS: Available Here

Tentative Schedule (all times are in US central time): 

Questions/Comments?: Send inquiries to