Choosing Brand Fonts For Product Packaging Design

While choosing brand fonts for packaging design, you will have to be sure that they attract your existing and potential customers. Packaging design is as necessary as the quality of your product because it helps people decide whether or not to buy your product.

If your packaging design is dull, customers will not pay attention to it, meaning that you will not have the expected number of sales.

One of the most crucial elements of product packaging design is the use of brand fonts. Using the right font family can help your brand win a much necessary recognition, which can lead to a higher number of sales.

Creating brand recognition this way will not only make your brand more memorable but also establish an emotional connection between your brand and customers.

Choosing the perfect brand fonts

While choosing fonts for your branded packaging, you will need to take your brand identity into the account. Depending on whether your brand is fun or serious, you can choose from a range of font families. The right fonts will leave a lasting impression on your customers. They will know who you are as a brand and what you are offering.

Some questions that you may need to ask yourself while choosing fonts include the following.

  • Are these fonts easy to read?

  • Do they make sense for your brand?

  • Do they offer uniqueness?

  • Do they make your brand more memorable?

Based on the type of fonts you use, people will make assumptions about your brand. If you are an e-commerce brand selling luxury handbags, you may not want to use Comic Sans to tell people the name and story of your brand. This font family is perfect for brands with a witty character.

Finding free fonts

Using free fonts is a money-saving option that works best when a free font family matches your brand theme. The good thing is that you can choose from thousands of fonts. Nonetheless, free doesn’t always mean better. You might not like bold or italic styles of a free font family that looks appropriate for your brand. Moreover, you might not find some special characters in a font family.

Paying for premium fonts grants you access to everything you need. In other words, it is a smart investment that can help you convey your brand message in style. This way, you will earn the brand recognition you need. You can ask developers to develop special characters that you use frequently while typing brand message for printing on the packaging design.

Choosing the right type

Choosing the right type of fonts is one of many steps to create a memorable brand experience. Remember, there are abundant options to consider whether you go for free or paid fonts. Choosing free fonts seems easy, but you may not be able to gain access to every feature you need. Paying for fonts, on the other hand, allows you to tell your brand story impressively.

If you want to choose fonts for your brand, make sure to discuss your requirements with your design experts.