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Top 5 Live Video Hacks - Brad Powell

Why is live video critical to the success of your business? As an entrepreneur who's growing a business, you need to establish a consistent stream of customers and clients so that you avoid the feast or famine rollercoaster. The new channels of live video are proving to be the easiest, cheapest and most effective route to engaging your audience - allowing you to create a highly personalized experience of your brand. You'll learn 5 essential hacks to boost viewers, create engagement and increase conversions.

About Brad Powell

"I believe the best route to success is to carve your own path. If you do something really different, people will take notice. But it's not enough to be different. You need to make a difference."

Brad Powell is a video marketing coach and live videographer who teaches entrepreneurs how easy it is to create engaging video campaigns with just a smartphone and good storytelling. Brad inspires entrepreneurs to find everyday moments that make great marketing and he's dedicated to helping small businesses get over the limiting belief that video marketing is too daunting.

Brad Powell on Branch-Out

Listen to Brad's podcast episode: Humanizing Your Brand With Facebook Live

Limited Early-Bird & Advance Tickets

Tickets available June 1, 2017!


6:30 pm Mixer

7:25 pm Introductions

7:30 pm Speakers

9:00 pm Q&A Panel

Tickets must be purchased in advance. Limited seating.


6:30 pm - 10:00 pm

July 20, 2017


Workbar Cambridge

45 Prospect St.

Cambridge, MA 02139

Limited Early-Bird & Advance Tickets!

Tickets available June 1, 2017!