Current Booths

Below are just a few of the booths we use to teach kids about the brain

Want to make your own booth? Let us know!

Backyard brains - EKG

Kids will learn how neurons communicate with electricity seeing signals from electrodes connected to their arms.

Backyard Brains - The Claw

Kids learn how our neurons communicate through electricity by moving the a mechanical claw using signals from their muscles.

Reasoning fear

Kids act out how different parts of the body - eyes, sweat glands, amygdala, heart muscles, and visual cortex - would react in the "fight or flight" response.

Synaptic ball toss

Kids will learn how neurotransmitters communicate across the synapse by tossing vessicles (balls) from the presynaptic side to the postsynaptic side!

Marshmallow Molecules

Kids learn about the central dogma of biology - how DNA instructs RNA which instructs Protein - by describing instructions to make molecules out of marshmallows.

Protect Your melon

Kids learn about how the head protects the brain against injury and the importance of wearing a helmet! 

Walk the Line

Kids learn how alcohol that impairs their vision by attempting to walk a straight ling with drunk goggles.

Stress and the Body

Kids learn about how the HPA axis is important for regulating stress in the body and act out what happens when it goes awry!

Brain Toss (Vision)

Kids will learn about implicit learning and plasticity by throwing bean bags while wearing goggles that shift their vision. They will then take the goggles off and see how their brain has adapted!

Super stem cells

Kids will learn how stem cells can make many different cell types to repair spinal cord injuries by making different cells out of playdough

Hey Kid - You're wired!

Kids learn about the soma, axon, and dendrites as they build a bead and string neuron the length of the longest nerve of their body - sciatic nerve.

Brain Quest

Kids will learn about the general structure of the brain by making their own hats with the different lobes of the brain.