This course hit the mark on so many fronts. It was well organized and easy to use. I loved all of the audio recordings, including the informational Q&As. Most importantly, it spoke to me and helped me to solidify my decision to stop bingeing. Every week I learned something new that deepened my resolve to quit bingeing and enhanced my understanding of this terrible habit. Thank you Kathryn! This course was a wonderful addition to your two books.

Like Kathryn, I struggled with binging for 35 years. I tried therapy and several 12-step groups through the years and was progressively frustrated by my inability to stop this destructive behavior. By the time I had finished the first part of Brain Over Binge, I knew I would never binge again.

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In The Binge Code, UK nutritional therapist and best-selling author of The Bulimia Help Method Alison Kerr will show you how to end your struggle with binge eating, food cravings, and yo-yo diets and shed excess weight - and never put it back on! The Binge Code is a bold new audiobook based on hard science and over 10 years of helping people end their binge eating issues and lose excess weight.

A fact-filled guide to coping with compulsive overeating problems by an experienced addictions doctor who draws on many patients' stories of recovery. Overeating, binge eating, obesity, anorexia, and bulimia - Food Junkies tackles the complex, poorly understood issue of food addiction from the perspective of a medical researcher and dozens of survivors.

Defeat Your Cravings is a comprehensive update of Dr. Livingston's experience with over a million fans of his many previous books (over 20,000 cumulative reviews) and with literally thousands of clients. It's also been updated to include scientific research into cravings formation and extinction, as well as the impact of the community and the food industry on overeating behavior (and its extinction).

Do you often lose control over food? Are you tired of obsessing over every bite? You're not weak, or a failure; you're just stuck. And it has nothing to do with willpower or being addicted to food. The Binge Cure will teach you exactly how to create permanent, sustainable weight loss - no dieting necessary! Finally, Dr. Nina is sharing the successful tools she has used in her successful online program to help thousands of people heal their relationship with food.

With her groundbreaking Rezoom Reframe, Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD, founder of Bright Line Eating, offers a new way to conceptualize food recovery. She shares the essential steps to avoiding the short-lived highs and vicious lows of relapse by helping you understand the psychological and biological origins of addiction and then giving you the system to break free.

Allen Carr's Easyway is the most successful self-help stop-smoking method of all time. It has helped millions of smokers all over the world to quit and has since been used to treat other addictions such as drinking and gambling. Allen Carr's Easyway method works by unravelling the brainwashing that leads us to desire the very thing that is harming us, meaning that we are freed from the addiction rather than merely restricting our behaviour. The Easyway method has now been applied to the problem of emotional eating.

No one wants to overeat. And certainly no one wants to overeat for years, become overweight, and end up with a high risk of diabetes or heart disease--yet two thirds of Americans do precisely that. Even though we know better, we often eat too much. Why does our behavior betray our own intentions to be lean and healthy? The problem, argues obesity and neuroscience researcher Stephan J. Guyenet, is not necessarily a lack of willpower or an incorrect understanding of what to eat.

Having a healthy relationship with your body and food needs not be difficult. Discover how to battle your insecurities by binge eating to feel more comfortable in your skin and love yourself as you are, and finally regain control of your life and your self-confidence without attempting one short-lived diet after the other.

Brain over Binge is both a memoir and a scientific account, providing a gripping personal narrative and a research-based perspective on bulimia and binge eating disorder. Kathryn traces the course of her own condition and then describes in detail her unconventional approach to recovery. In the process, she offers a much-needed alternative viewpoint on the landscape of eating disorder literature to help others in the throes of any form of out-of-control eating.

If you regularly eat when you're not truly hungry, choose unhealthy comfort foods, or eat beyond fullness, something is out of balance. The good news is that the brain can be rewired for optimal emotional health. When Food Is Comfort presents a breakthrough mindfulness practice called inner nurturing, a comprehensive, step-by-step program developed by an author who was herself an emotional eater.

During the recorded interview, I asked Kathryn to share her five steps to recovery. She graciously did and pointed out that the steps are more like guidelines or things to consider and not meant to be done in some order. I like to think of them as tools in your toolbox that you use as you work recovery.

You want to begin to realize perhaps a new paradigm that you HAVE thoughts, you are not your thoughts. When you begin to recognize the useless, nasty, hurtful thoughts you have are part of that survival brain sending you signals out of habit patterns you can begin to regain your power.

Remember: who you are is a higher level conscious self, I call it your Wise Woman. Then you can become more aware that your survival brain will send signals, or thoughts, of self-defeating actions you can take to perpetuate your binge eating.

When you are in your Wise Woman, your highest consciousness, you can detect the difference between the lower, survival human brain thoughts. Low level survival thoughts are always negative, self-defeating, rushed/panic-like, hurtful and all sort of negative things. Your highest, Wise Woman self is always in a place of love, adoration and timelessness.

When you can become the observer, your Wise Woman, your most empowered self, you can then observe the lower, survival brain binge thoughts for what they are. Junk.  Just stuff floating through your brain that you DO NOT have to act upon.

It offers suggestions but the suggestions are not the most optimal. Following the suggestions causes problems. The higher brain is more rational and controls your hands, mouth, and other voluntary muscle. 

So you might want to kill someone but you do not because your Prefrontal cortex or higher brain rationalizes that might be good for you long term.

Everyone has life issues and problems. You have issues before you began binge earing and you will still have problems after you quit. But do not connect problems and life issues with your binge eating.

Would you rather have temporary discomfort because of not acting on the binge or the discomfort after a binge? When you are full to the brim you feel sleepy, lazy, gaseous, bloated and several other bad things happen. And at least I 100% regret overeating!

Kathryn Hansen, with her book Brain Over Binge, was one of the first authors who showed me very clearly how dieting and restricting send your body and brain the signals to binge and overeat. Dieting makes you so obsessed and out of control with foods that you seriously think you are a mental nut case and need to be locked down.

To me, this theory felt too complicated and overwhelming, especially considering my age at the time. I was in college; I was just starting to figure out who I was and who I wanted to be, and the binge eating was, I felt, the biggest issue holding me back. After having some personal insights, I eventually left therapy after college to try to find another way; and about a year later, I came across a book called Rational Recovery: The New Cure for Substance Addiction by Jack Trimpey, and it completely changed how I viewed my problem. Although the book was written for alcoholics and drug addicts, I saw so many parallels to my binge eating. be457b7860

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