Bradley Herring, Ph.D.
Forrest D. McKerley Professor of Health Economics
Economics Department, Paul College of Business
Health Management and Policy Department, College of HHS
University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824 | 443-602-4372 | UNH (link)
Bradley Herring, PhD, joined the University of New Hampshire in the fall of 2020 as the Forrest D. McKerley Professor of Health Economics, with a joint appointment in the Economics Department of the Paul College of Business and Economics and the Health Management and Policy Department in the College of Health and Human Services. His research primarily focuses on several economic and policy issues related to health insurance markets and healthcare reform, including the dynamics of coverage within the employment-based and individual health insurance markets and the effects of health insurance and hospital market concentration. He also devotes a portion of his research on interdisciplinary projects into certain social determinants of health, specifically neighborhood poverty and the food environment. He has published articles in the Journal of Health Economics, New England Journal of Medicine, and JAMA, and his research has been funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, NIH's National Cancer Institute, Health and Human Services ASPE, and AHRQ. Dr. Herring previously held faculty appointments in the Schools of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University and Emory University. His policy experience includes serving as a Senior Staff Economist with the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers and serving as the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Maryland Health Insurance Plan. He received his PhD from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and completed a two-year RWJF Scholars in Health Policy fellowship at Yale University.
Publications | Google Scholar (link):
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
Lin, Y, Herring B, Melamed A, Hassan A, Petrillo L, N Keating, Offodile A, Maryland’s Global Budget Revenue Payment Model and Shifts in the Surgical Site of Care Among Medicare Beneficiaries. Annals of Surgery, July 2024. (link)
Melamed A, Lin Y, Hassan AM, Rauh-Hain JA, Herring B, Keating NL, Offodile AC. Trends in Episode-of-Care Spending for Cancer-Directed Surgery Among US Medicare Beneficiaries From 2011 to 2019. JAMA Surgery 158.2, February 2023: 216-218. (link)
Pollack CE, Bozzi DG, Blackford AL, DeLuca S, Thornton R, Herring B. Using the Moving To Opportunity Experiment to Investigate the Long-Term Impact of Neighborhoods on Healthcare Use by Specific Clinical Conditions and Type of Service. Housing Policy Debate 33.1, January 2023: 269-289. (link)
Bleich S, Soto M, Jones-Smith J, Wolfson J, Jarlenski M, Dunn C, Frelier J, Herring B. Association of Chain Restaurant Advertising Spending With Obesity in US Adults. JAMA Network Open 3.10, October 2020: 1-12. (link)
Bleich SN, Jones-Smith JC, Jarlenski MP, Wolfson JA, Frelier JM, Tao H, Hu Y, Dunn CG, Soto MJ, Herring BJ. Impact of Changes in Chain Restaurant Calories over Time on Obesity Risk. Journal of General Internal Medicine 35, February 2020: 1743-1750. (link)
Herring B, Trish E. Quantifying Overinsurance Tied to the Tax Exclusion for Employment-Based Health Insurance and its Variation by Health Status. Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 56, December 2019: 1-10. (link)
Pollack CE, Blackford AL, Du S, DeLuca S, Thornton RLJ, Herring B. Association of Receipt of a Housing Voucher With Subsequent Hospital Utilization and Spending. JAMA 322.21, December 2019: 2115–2124. (link)
Gaskin D, Herring B, Zare H, Anderson G. Measuring Nonprofit Hospitals’ Provision of Charity Care using IRS and CMS Data. Journal of Healthcare Management 64.5, September 2019: 293-314. (link)
Pollack CE, Du S, Blackford AL, Herring B. Experiment to Decrease Neighborhood Poverty Had Limited Effects on Emergency Department Use. Health Affairs 38.9, September 2019: 1442–1450. (link)
Hanson C, Herring B, Trish E. Do Health Insurance and Hospital Market Concentration Influence Hospital Patients’ Experience of Care? Health Services Research 54.4, August 2019: 805-815. (link)
Done N, Herring B. The Effects of Global Budget Payments on Hospital Utilization in Rural Maryland. Health Services Research 54.3, June 2019: 526-536. (link)
Roberto C, Lawman H, LeVasseur M, Mitra N, Peterhans A, Herring B, Bleich S. Association of a Beverage Tax on Sugar-Sweetened and Artificially Sweetened Beverages With Changes in Beverage Prices and Sales at Chain Retailers in a Large Urban Setting. JAMA 321.18, May 2019: 1799-1810. (link)
Howard DH, Herring B, Graves J, Trish E. Provider-Owned Insurers in the Individual Market. American Journal of Managed Care 24.12, December 2018: e393-e398. (link)
Trish E, Herring B. Does Limiting Allowable Rating Variation in the Small Group Health Insurance Market Affect Employer Self-Insurance? Journal of Risk and Insurance 85.3, September 2018: 607-633. (link)
Herring B, Gaskin D, Zare H, Anderson G. Comparing the Value of Nonprofit Hospitals’ Tax Exemption to Their Community Benefits. Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55, February 2018: 1-11. (link)
Herring B, Trish E. Explaining the Growth in US Healthcare Spending using State-Level Variation in Income, Insurance, and Provider Market Dynamics. Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 52, December 2015: 1-11. (link)
Anderson G, Herring B. The All-Payer Rate Setting Model for Pricing Medical Services and Drugs. American Medical Association Journal of Ethics 17.8, August 2015: 770-775. (link)
Herring B, Trish E. The Distributional Effects of the Affordable Care Act’s Cadillac Tax by Worker Income. American Medical Association Journal of Ethics 17.7, July 2015: 672-679. (link)
Trish E, Herring B. How Do Health Insurer Market Concentration and Bargaining Power with Hospitals Affect Health Insurance Premiums? Journal of Health Economics 42, July 2015: 104-114. (link)
Bleich SN, Barry C, Gary-Webb TL, Herring B. Reducing Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption by Providing Caloric Information: How Black Adolescents Alter Their Purchases and Whether the Effects Persist. American Journal of Public Health 104.12, December 2014: 2417-2424. (link)
Howell B, Wolff J, Herring B. Medicare Beneficiary Knowledge of the Part D Program and Its Relationship with Voluntary Enrollment. Medicare & Medicaid Research Review 2.4, December 2012. (link)
Bleich SN, Herring, B. Medicaid Coverage for Weight Loss Counseling May Make Cents, Journal of General Internal Medicine 28.1, September 2012: 3-5. (link)
Anderson G, Chalkidou K, Herring B, High US Health-Care Spending and the Importance of Provider Payment Rates, Forum for Health Economics & Policy 15.3, September 2012: 1-22. (link)
Bleich SN, Herring B, Flagg DD, Gary-Webb TL. Reduction in Purchases of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages among Low Income, Black Adolescents after Exposure to Caloric Information, American Journal of Public Health 102.2, February 2012: 329-335. (link)
Herring B, Lentz LK. What Can We Expect from the Cadillac Tax in 2018 and Beyond? Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 48.4, December 2011: 322-337. (link)
Herring B, Adams EK. Using HMOs to Serve the Medicaid Population: What Are the Effects on Utilization and Does the Type of HMO Matter? Health Economics 20.4, April 2011: 446-460. (link)
Herring B. An Economic Perspective on the Individual Mandate's Severability from the ACA. New England Journal of Medicine 364, March 2011: e16. (link)
Bundorf MK, Herring B, Pauly M. Health Risk, Income, and the Purchase of Private Health Insurance. Forum for Health Economics & Policy, 13.2, September 2010: 1-33. (link)
Herring B. Suboptimal Provision of Preventive Healthcare Due to Expected Enrollee Turnover Among Private Insurers. Health Economics 19.4, April 2010: 438-448. (link)
Herring B, Pauly M. “Play-or-Pay” Insurance Reforms for Employers – Confusion and Inequity. New England Journal of Medicine 362.2, January 2010: 93-95. (link)
Adams EK, Herring B. Medicaid HMO Penetration and Its Mix: Did Increased Penetration Affect Physician Participation in Urban Markets? Health Services Research 43.1.2, February 2008: 363-383. (link)
Pauly M, Herring B. Risk Pooling and Regulation: Public Policy and Reality in Today’s Individual Health Insurance Market. Health Affairs 26.3, May 2007: 770-779. (link)
Pauly M, Herring B. The Demand for Health Insurance in the Group Setting: Can You Always Get What You Want? Journal of Risk and Insurance 74.1, March 2007: 115-140. (link)
Herring B, Pauly M. Incentive-Compatible Guaranteed Renewable Health Insurance Premiums. Journal of Health Economics 25.3, May 2006: 395-417. (link)
Pauly M, Herring B, Song D. Information Technology and Consumer Search for Health Insurance. International Journal of the Economics of Business 13.1, February 2006: 45-63. (link)
Herring B. The Effect of the Availability of Charity Care to the Uninsured on the Demand for Private Health Insurance. Journal of Health Economics 24.2, March 2005: 225-252. (link)
Pauly M, Herring B, Song D. Tax Credits, the Distribution of Subsidized Health Insurance Premiums, and the Uninsured. Forum for Health Economics & Policy 5, January 2002: 103-122. (link)
Herring B, Pauly M. Premium Variation in the Individual Health Insurance Market. International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics 1.1, March 2001: 43-58. (link)
Pauly M, Herring B. Expanding Insurance Coverage Via Tax Credits: Trade-Offs and Outcomes, Health Affairs 20.1, January 2001: 9-26. (link)
Pauly M, Herring B. An Efficient Employer Strategy for Dealing with Adverse Selection in Multiple-Plan Offerings: An MSA Example. Journal of Health Economics 19.4, July 2000: 513-528. (link)
Pauly M, Percy A, Herring B, Rosenbloom J. What Would Happen if Large Firms Offered MSAs? Health Affairs 19.3, May 2000: 165-172. (link)
Pauly M, Percy A, Herring B. Individual Versus Job-Based Health Insurance: Weighing the Pros and Cons. Health Affairs 18.6, November 1999: 28-44. (link)
Books and Monographs:
Pauly M, Herring B. Cutting Taxes for Insuring: Options and Effects of Tax Credits for Health Insurance. Washington, DC: AEI Press, January 2002. (link)
Pauly M, Herring B. Pooling Health Insurance Risks. Washington, DC: AEI Press, October 1999. (link)
Book Chapters:
Herring B. The Pre-Existing Condition: Guaranteed Renewability and Equitable Tax Treatment. The Pre-Existing Condition: Innovative Solution to America’s Thorniest Healthcare Challenge. Eds., Graboyes R and Blahous C. Washington, DC: Mercatus Press, October 2015. (link)
Policy-Related Reports:
Herring B, Moffitt R. Food Security, Health, and Healthcare Utilization: The Role of SNAP for Families in Extreme Poverty. University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research Discussion Paper Series, February 2018. (link)
Hoffman D, Herring B. Report to the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) on Defensive Medicine. Baltimore, Maryland: HSCRC, February 2015. (link)
Carey D, Herring B, Lenain P. Health Care Reform in the United States. OECD’s Economic Department Paper #665. Paris, France: OECD, February 2009. (link)
Herring B. Medicare Reform: Issues and Implications for Retiree Health Insurance. TIAA-CREF Institute’s Trends and Issues Series. New York, NY: TIAA-CREF, March 2008. (link)
Herring B, Song X, Pauly M. Changes in Coverage in the Group and Individual Health Insurance Markets and the Effects of Health Status. HHS Report. Washington, DC: HHS ASPE, April 2008. (link)
Other Publications:
Herring B. An Unfortunate Inconsistency between Value-Based Purchasing and Price Transparency. Health Affairs Blog, August 2018. (link)