student centered response

Please note: This site is designed by BPL practitioners for practitioners in Big Picture schools and will remain a work in progress. It is not comprehensive but filtered according to the questions, stories, recommendations, and ideas of folks in our community of practice.

If you have ideas for improvement, please reach out to your RD, coach, or

NEW AS OF 5.4.20

  1. Interest Driven Learning Page: Added a link to WBL in the Age of COVID, a website of resources and ideas curated by BPL's Casey Lamb.

  2. Check out the Inspiring Examples page for more ideas from folks in our network.

NEW AS OF 4.21.20

  1. MetSac graduate, Zelia, greatly expanded, organized, and redesigned our basic needs and wellness page.

  2. We've added more inspiring examples of how our communities are responding to this time.

  3. Next week: we'll be updating our interest driven learning pages and adding more inspiring examples.

“Conversations will not be cancelled. Relationships will not be cancelled. LOVE will not be cancelled. Songs will not be cancelled. Reading will not be cancelled. Self-care will not be cancelled. Hope will not be cancelled. May we lean into the good stuff that remains.”

calendar of upcoming events COMING SOON

If you have virtual events you'd like to list on this website for the BPL community, please email a brief description, time/date, and intended audience to

have requests, questions, and/or ideas for this site?

Consider reaching out to your coach, regional director, and/or