Thanks for your reply. I would like to know :

1. I don't want to create an account on your web site does the boxcryptor works with encrypted filename in this case (look like it is local mode on the new version) ?

2. I have several volume on BC classic with different password and location, does it possible with boxcryptor ?

3. How to transfert volume from BC Classic to boxcryptor (just copy /move)?

4. BC Classic offer support of encrypted volume on removable drive (by placing and reference volume for this place). Does this is possible with boxcryptor ?

5. Why do you stop support of BC Classic ?

1) download 1.3.4

2) make sure no other boxcryptor dmg is mounted...this causes issues.

3) delete your current boxcyrptor not uninstall it...just delete the single file.

4) install 1.3.4

5) run 1.3.4...everything should be working fine now. If not, check to see the version number of your boxcryptor...I found mine would retain if I had multiple dmg's mounted or I had not deleted the newer boxcryptor version.

Boxcryptor Classic Download

Download File 🔥 🔥

1) install the latest version of boxcryptor classic (1.5.409 at the time of this guide) if not already installed

2) open the applications folder in finder view or wherever boxcryptor classic is installed.

3) right click boxcryptor classic and select show package contents

4) expand into Contents, MacOS, Filesystems

5) right click on bccfs.fs and select show package contents

6) expand into Contents, Extensions.

7) copy the 10.10 shortcut and paste it into the same defaults to the contents folder for me, just drag it back.

8) rename 10.10 copy to 10.11

9) close the window

10) open the applications folder in finder view or wherever boxcryptor classic is installed.

11) right click boxcryptor classic and select show package contents

12) expand into Contents, MacOS, Resources

13) right click on bccfs.fs and select show package contents

14) expand into Contents, Extensions.

15) copy the 10.10 shortcut and paste it into the same defaults to the contents folder for me, just drag it back.

16) rename 10.10 copy to 10.11

17) close the window

@everyone: I have received notice that an upgrade has been released that is read only...if you want to continue using boxcryptor classic, don't use that version. Version 1.5.409 works fine. the archived versions are located here: -boxcryptor-classic-for-mac-os-x-changelog

The performance of the old BC classic is much better than the newer one.

I worked earlier directly in the crypted folder (compiling, debugging ...). With BC 2 it was a pain in the ...

So I tested Cryptomator - same bad performance. 

I did these tests about 4 years ago.

I've installed the boxcryptor desktop client on Windows 10. However, upon signing in, the application produces an error, stating that it failed to mount the drive. I've reinstalled and rebooted a few times, but the problem persists. Is this a common problem? I couldn't find any topics about it.

I've faced the same identical problem with the same insider preview (my pc has a TPM 2.0 chip). I'm using boxcryptor classic free, which worked fine till yesterday. I' had a look into windows event and I noticed that there's an error with cbfs4.

This is the detailed error:

I have been recently reading a lot about encryption, how and what many here use it. I think I found the best practice in my case that is to use boxcryptor, that allows me to use files in my local disk all at the same time that it encrypts and syncs to my dropbox account. I'm using windows btw

So boxcryptor seems to do the job just fine and although it is a container... but what I don't appreciate is that it needs to be online to check for my credentials/plan... I would really prefer not to having to be online for this (I know I need to be online for the files to sync anyway). What could be some alternatives to this? containers may be of choice but are not preferred, free is always preferred but not mandatory

tl;dr I don't like the idea of boxcryptor checking online for my credentials... what software can be used instead to let me work on files locally but at the time encrypting and syncing them to the cloud (dropbox)? -containers may be of choice but are not preferred -free is always preferred, but not mandatory

When I started using boxcryptor, I followed this guide here and used encfs on ubuntu .. But many months later, I was shocked to find that I could read the contents of the mounted encrypted folders even without encfs/cryptkeeper running. Not sure what led to that, but that thoroughly spooked me and I have never tried to access my boxcryptor encrypted folders from ubuntu since then.

To store ALL of your passwords on your device was a huge classic error. NO BUENO my friend. A password you can not remember is of no value. And to have multiple of those is a sure plan for a suicide mission. LOL

Zur Datensicherung und zur Datei-Synchronisierung zwischen mehreren Gerten bieten verschiedene Anbieter Online-Datenspeicher an. Der Datenaustausch von und zu diesen Cloud-Speichern erfolgt unverschlsselt. Um unberechtigtes Mitlesen oder Manipulationen an diesen Dateien zu vermeiden, bietet die Firma Secomba GmbH verschiedene Versionen ihrer boxcryptor-Software an. e24fc04721

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