
Athletes please download the SportsYou app to your phone. Once you have signed up click join team and put in the following code 5DP3H3DH

Use the codes listed on that page to join all the different sports you play.

Make sure that you are staying as active as possible during this time. Push ups, ab workout, lunges, body squats, planks etc. are great ways to stay active inside the house. Try to get outside and go for an individual run if you can. Stay safe, active, and healthy during this time.

Coach Emery

(214) 385-9212

Athletes please click on the SportsYou add to the left and sign up for a free account. There is also an app for iOS and Android devices.

This is a new team management system that will allow the parent and athlete to be notified about dates and times of practices and contests. It eliminates having to sign up on random apps or having all the different contacts of every coach.