This sound effect can be found on the Hanna-Barbera Sound Effects Library, which was made by Sound Ideas. It's nearly identical to HIT, CARTOON - DRUM RISE, HEAVY RISING HIT, and Wheezy Honk Cymbal PE941302, which are also Disney sound effects. It was originally a Major Records/Valentino sound effect.

Two disks moving from opposite points in space, overlapping, and stopping at one another's starting point can be seen as either bouncing off one another or streaming through one another. With silent displays, observers report streaming, whereas, if a sound is played when the disks are in the overlap region, observers report bouncing. The change in perception is thought to be modulated by a lack of attention that inhibits the integration of the motion signal when disks overlap and by the sound that increases the congruence of the display, in comparison with a real elastic bounce. Here, we accompanied the disks' motion with either a bounce-congruent sound (a billiard ball) or with bounce-incongruent sounds (a water drop, a firework). When the sound was switched on 200 msec before the disks' overlap, (1) all the audiovisual displays induced more bounce responses than did the silent display, but (2) the bounce-congruent sound induced more bounce responses than did the bounce-incongruent sounds. However, when the sound was switched on at the disks' overlap, only the first result was observed. These results highlight both the role of attention and that of sound congruence.

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Hi Everyone,

In Logic, I have been trying to figure out how in Logic to record just the Effects of any plugin so I can bounce that on a separate audio track

For more flexibility and control while I layering sounds

That method will work too. Sorry I just answered how you explained haha. Creating a bus and putting your efx on the bus works well for control. That way you can just blend in your effects via a bus send.

This is a crossmodal illusion, where sound affects vision. It was long known from the Gestaltists that two identical visual targets moving across each other can be perceived either to bounce off or to stream through each other (Metzger 1934). In 1997 Sekuler et al. demonstrated that a brief sound at the moment the targets coincide, biases perception toward bouncing.

*When I had implement this in Flash, there was no sound delay problem. By dropping Flash I ran into differences of sound implementations between browsers, so some individual calibration is necesssary.

Architects have long been capitalizing on this fact when building, say, concert halls. However, the principle can also be transferred to other applications: objects hidden underground can be visualized by measuring how sound waves from a known source are reflected.

Usually, the desired illusion relies on using passive methods that involve structuring the surfaces with the help of what are known as metamaterials. One way of hiding an object acoustically is to coat its surface and stop it from reflecting any sound waves. However, this approach is inflexible and usually works only within a limited frequency range, making it unsuitable for many applications.

Active methods seek to achieve the illusion by superimposing another layer of sound waves. In other words, by adding a second signal to the initial acoustic field. However, until now the scope for using this approach has also been limited, as it works only if the initial field can be predicted with some certainty.

To achieve the special acoustic effects, the researchers installed a large test facility for the project in the Centre for Immersive Wave Experimentation at the Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich in Dbendorf. Specifically, this facility allows them to mask the existence of an object measuring roughly 12 centimeters or simulate an imaginary object of equal size.

The target object is enclosed in an outer ring of microphones as control sensors and an inner ring of loudspeakers as control sources. The control sensors register which external acoustic signals reach the object from the initial field. Based on these measurements, a computer than calculates which secondary sounds the control sources must produce to achieve the desired augmentation of the initial field.

To mask the object, the control sources emit a signal that completely obliterates the sound waves reflected off the object. By contrast, to simulate an object (also known as holography), the control sources augment the initial acoustic field as if sound waves were bouncing off an object at the center of the two rings. ff782bc1db

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