Bosung Kim
Assistant Professor
School of Management
Kyung Hee University
26, Kyungheedae-ro Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, 02447, Rep. of KOREA
Phone: (+82) 2-961-9434
Email: bkim[at]
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ph.D. in Management Engineering, 2017.
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, B.S. in Mathematical Sciences, 2009.
Work Experience
Assistant Professor, Kyung Hee University, 2023 – Present
Assistant Professor, Pusan National University, 2019 – 2023
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of British Columbia, 2017– 2019
Research Interest
Operations management and information systems/marketing interface
Global supply chain management of a manufacturing firm
Consumer behavior in operations management
Publications (* corresponding author)
Gao, X., Chen, X., Park, C., and Kim, B.* 2025. Facility Location Decision under Data Contamination: Robustness Properties and Performance ," European Journal of Industrial Engineering, Forthcoming
Kim, B.*, Ivanov, D., and Yoon, J. 2024. "Improving Product Safety in an International Agrifood Supply Chain," Journal of Operational Research Society, Forthcoming
Nurminarsih, S., Jeong, Y., Kim, B.*, and Han, J.* 2024. “Protection level decision in the slot allocation of a carrier: Trade-offs between advanced and spot market selling,” Maritime Policy and Management, Forthcoming
Sim, J. and Kim, B.* 2024. "Is Green Optimism Good for the Environment but Bad for Firms?—A Study on Green Optimism in a Supply chain," Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 190(103706)
Chen, X., Park, C., Gao, X., and Kim, B.* 2023. Robust Model Design by Comparative Evaluation of Clustering Algorithms," IEEE Access, 11: 88135-99151
Jung, D., Kim, B.*, and Yoo, S.H.* 2023. “How to Facilitate Supplier-Supplier Collaboration: Impact of Order Allocation Policy and Subsidy Offering," Annals of Operations Research, 323(1-2): 79-107
Park, Y.S., Sim, J. and Kim, B.* 2022. “Online Retail Operations with Try-Before-You-Buy,” European Journal of Operational Research, 299(3): 987-1002
Kim, B., Kim, S.W., Iravani, S.M.R., and Park, K.S.* 2021. “Simple Mechanisms for Sequential Capacity Allocation,” Production and Operations Management, 30(9): 2925-2943 (UT Dallas 24 Journal, Financial Times 50 Journal)
Kim, B., Kim, S.W., and Park, K.S.* 2021. “Promoting Supplier’s Environmental Innovation via Emission Taxation,” International Journal of Production Economics, 240: 108240
Sim, J. and Kim, B.* 2021. “Sourcing Decision in the Presence of a Complementary Component,” Omega, 101: 102281
Sim, J. and Kim, B.* 2019. “Commitment to Environmental and Climate Change Sustainability under Competition,” Sustainability, 11(7): 2089
Kim, B., Park, K.S.*, Jung, S.Y., and Park, S.H. 2018. “Offshoring and Outsourcing in a Global Supply Chain: Impact of the Arm's Length Regulation on Transfer Pricing,” European Journal of Operational Research, 266(1): 88-98
Jang, D-C., Kim, B.*, and Lee, S-Y. 2018. “A Two-sided Market Platform Analysis for the Electric Vehicle Adoption: Firm Strategies and Policy Design,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 62: 646-658
Jang, D-C., Kim, B.*, and Kim, S.H. 2018. “The Effect of Green Building Certification on Potential Tenants’ Willingness to Rent Space in a Building,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 194: 645-655
Kim, B. and Park, K.S.* 2016. “Organizational Structure of a Global Supply Chain in the Presence of a Gray Market: Information Asymmetry and Valuation Difference,” International Journal of Production Economics, 175: 71-80
Teaching Experience
Production and Operations Management (undergraduate)
Supply Chain Management (undergraduate/graduate)
Operations Research I (undergraduate)
Operations Research II (undergraduate)
Research Funding
정석물류학술재단(2025) "디지털 전환을 고려한 비즈니스 모델 수립 및 공급망 구성에 관한 연구," 공동연구자
중소벤처기업부(2022 – 2023) “이산공정(Discrete manufacturing) 특성산업의 설비/공장/기업간 공유 데이터 표준화," 연구책임자
부산산업과학혁신원(2022) "산학 연계를 통한 육해상 통합 컨테이너 운영관리 연구기획," 공동연구자
한국연구재단(2021 – 2024) “선경험 후결제 리테일 시스템의 운영관리 연구," 연구책임자
한국연구재단(2019 – 2021) “다부품 제품의 아웃소싱 의사결정: 부품 간 상호의존성을 중심으로," 연구책임자
차동완 젊은 경영과학자상, 한국경영과학회, 2024
우수연구자상, 부산대학교 공과대학, 2022
신진학자 우수 논문상, 한국SCM학회, 2021
최우수 박사학위 논문상, 한국경영과학회, 2016
Academic Service
Ad-hoc reviewer for European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and Annals of Operations Research