撐香港 保經濟


Stand with Hong Kong. Stand by our economy.

Stand up for your employees.


香港作為國際金融中心,自由開放乃繁榮經濟之基石。惟由《逃犯條例》修訂引起的憂慮與紛爭,香港政府至今乃置若罔聞,警黑合作更嚴重打擊香港經濟市場的獨立和自主性。政府造成的社會撕裂不但令惠譽(Fitch Ratings)將香港現時擁有的「AA+」主權信貸評級,逐步下調至接近內地水平,影響本港經商優勢;一旦《逃犯條例》通過,更有機會觸發美國根據《美國—香港政策法》取消香港「獨立關稅區」的優惠待遇,嚴重打擊經濟及國際金融中心地位。


1. 特區政府立即以「撤回」字眼撤回逃犯條例修訂

2. 推行雙普選

3. 收回「暴動」定性

4. 成立以退休法官為主席的獨立調查委員會

5. 律政司必須保持政治中立,絕不可政治檢控


Dear bosses,

Freedom. The cornerstone of economic growth.

In an international financial centre like Hong Kong, freedom has been the lifeline of its thriving economy. While the Extradition Bill has put the city’s freedom and economic status at stake, our government, however, shows no intention to solve the problems arising from the conflict. What’s even worse, the close ties between police and gangsters have diminished Hong Kong’s reputation as a safe place for international business operations.

The damaging business confidence brought by the ongoing integration with China will potentially lead to the underpinning of the city’s AA+ Fitch Ratings, which is three notches above mainland China’s A+ rating. A report from the Washington congressional committee also stated that the extradition plan could violate key US trade act provisions, and that the privileges posed by the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act will be reconsidered if the bill is passed.

Bosses, it’s time to stand on Hong Kong’s economy side, and stand strong with your fellow employees. Because when Hong Kong’s economy is at stake, so will your company’s growth. Grant them the Letter of No Objection for Strike to your work partners today to show support of Hong Kong’s development. With a peaceful way of showing your stands on the five demands to the government, we can put economic growth back on track.

The five demands:

· Permanent withdrawal of the extradition bill

· Double universal suffrage

· Withdrawal of the characterisation of the 12 June protest as a ‘riot’

· Independent investigation into police violence and abuse of power

· Department of Justice should not put politics above legal principles

Yours faithfully,

Employees standing on the economy side


8.5 不反對罷工通知書




Stand with Hong Kong, stand with our society. Please forward the Letter of No Objection for Strike to your employees:

Letter of No Objection for Strike on 5 August

Hong Kong is going through tough times. Knowing that different parties will be going on strike, we would like to show support for the peaceful demonstration.

In an international financial centre like Hong Kong, freedom has been the cornerstone of its growth, the lifeline of its thriving economy. That's why we are here to issue a letter of no objection for the strike on 5 August. Please inform your supervisor prior to the event for better facilitation.

Best regards,