by Borut Lesjak

illustrations Taja Sever

edited by River Lark Madison

e-book, PDF format, 11 double pages, paypal 10 €


This is a short story of a vulnerable and innocent little snowflake who gets to know more about life and love as she is falling down from the winter sky. Her willingness to face the world and all therein with perfect trust and acceptance, with grace and lots of heart, is a warm inspiration for the kid in all of us to re-awaken and take another look at our own transient, magical life.

(an excerpt)

The Sun

The sun starts to shine.

The snowflake feels very hot,

and she begins to sweat.

“Hey, dearest sun,

I am so happy to meet you!

But you are melting me,

and I haven’t even reached the ground yet.”

“I am the sun, my tiny snowflake!

I love you dearly, yet my heat is strong.

It gives life, and it also takes life.”

The snowflake is a bit sorry

but she loves the sun.

She knows that the sun can’t stop shining for her.

“Dear sun, don’t worry for me.

I am really happy here in the air.

In whatever form or shape,

I will still go on.

I am a snowflake,

and I can see now

that just like you

I am who I am, too.”

The sun feels deeply moved.

He smiles to the snowflake.

“I have seen everything on Earth.

I witness every birth and every death,

and from each death arises new birth.

If you turn into a raindrop now

you will still reach the ground,

and then you will rise again to the sky.”

“Thank you, dear sun,

for your love and the life you give.

Keep shining on!”

“Goodbye now,

and travel well.”

The snowflake continues to fall.

She is slowly melting.

As she draws closer to the ground

she sees a tree.

“Hello there, my friend,”

she calls out to the treetop.

“How are you on this beautiful day?”

The tree is deep in a winter’s nap.

He is awakened from his slumber

by the snowflake’s soft voice.

“I was just dreaming of you and your sisters.

You covered me all in white,

and I wasn’t cold any longer.”

“Alas, I am alone today.

My sisters are far away.

I can’t cover you all on my own.”

“I know, I know.

Don’t worry,

you are just passing by.

I’ll be fine;

thank you for your concern.”

The tree gives shade to the snowflake

so that she stops melting.

The snowflake is grateful.

“Thank you so much, dear tree,

for helping me out!

I will come back again next time with my sisters!

We will make a grand white coat for you,

and you will not be cold anymore!

Wait for us—don’t lose hope!”

“I will wait for you always,”

smiles the tree, already feeling warmer inside.

He settles back into his dreams.

(inside peek)

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