June 21, 2019

Villains and Vodka Part 2~ Season Finale

In the Season One Final, Marisa and Ang go solo this week to finish up part 2 of their serial killer special. The girls believe maybe Jeffery Dahmer wouldn't have rage killed all those guys if it wasn't the 1970s and he was able to come out of the closest. Ted Bundy's execution leads Marisa to dream about all the gluten she would eat as her last meal and Jack the Ripper tried to write a letter to the police in human blood but it didn't work out in this favor. Lastly, H.H. Holmes leeds Ang down a rabbit hole and she ends up revealing all of the disturbing (and super interesting) events that have transpired at the Cecil Hotel.

June 14, 2019

Villains and Vodka

This week Marisa and Ang are joined by two OG guests to make a powerhouse team. Audrey, who has promoted herself to co-host and keeps the very drunken serial killer conversation on track and Jimmy who is kind of just, well, there. Everyone shares their varying opinions on Netflix's Ted Bundy movie, "Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile" so beware of spoilers. In Part 1 of Villains and Vodka, the clan ventures into history's most notorious serial killers including Dr. Death, Belle Gunness, and Ed Gein.

Resource: https://www.history.com/news/8-of-historys-most-notorious-serial-killers

May 31, 2019

Alcohol and (A)dulti(ng)

Your early twenties is a confusing time to be alive. You're technically an adult, but yet you find yourself broke, jobless and eating ramen out of the pot so you don't have to dirty another bowl. We may not have figured out how to 100% 'adult', but we do know that during this time friends come and go, goals take longer than anticipated and relationships never truly go as expected. Marisa, Ang and Angelo are lost on this journey called life, but they're at least willing to admit it.


Miller Lite

Leinenkugel Summer Shandy

Wild Leaf Hard Craft Tea

Resource: https://www.bustle.com/p/9-things-no-one-warned-you-about-being-adult-43310

May 24, 2019

Sexuality and Sips

Gender fluidity, pansexuality, homo-romanticism , lipstick lesbians, non-binary and the enigma that is bisexuality. This week's very intellectual and queer guest, Audrey, helps explain it all! Do your parents think "its just a phase"? Well, you're not alone. While the straight (Ang) attempts to relate, Marisa and Audrey open up about their sexuality. However you identify, all can learn from Audrey's insight. This one's for the QUEERS!!


Two shot of Mango New Amsterdam

Tampico Punch

Ginger ale

Resource: https://www.romper.com/p/13-things-to-know-about-being-bisexual-because-no-its-not-a-phase-907

May 17, 2019

Borderline Personality Disorder and BPD

Ang and Marisa are playing psychiatrist this week to diagnose their guest's ex-best friend with, drum roll please, Borderline Personality Disorder! If you haven't heard of this lovely disorder listen up because the ladies are going over the signs and symptoms. If someone you know is an A1 Clinger, manipulates you like its their job and fakes pregnancy tests for your money, Houston YOU have a problem. CUT THAT TOXICITY OUT (but also tell someone before you end the relationship in case you're murdered in the process).

Breezy Peach Delight:

2 shots Mango Vodka (We used New Amsterdam)

Fill with Sugar-Free Peach Iced Tea

Splash of Gingerale

Resource: https://www.psycom.net/depression.central.borderline.html

May 10, 2019

Daiquiris and Dating (4ever)

"High School relationships don't last" is what they all say. Well, we say these bitches are WRONG! And boy do we have proof! While a former guest (Nicole) brings us delicious daiquiris, we sit down and discuss dating, engagements, and weird relationship habits with Megan and Debbie. Both of these fabulous ladies have been with their mans since they were 15! So for all you skeptics of high school relationships, here is not one but TWO that have made it work.

Strawberry Daiquiri:

1 oz Bacardi Rum

3 oz Strawberry Daiquiri Mix

Blend errrr goooooddd ;)

Resource: https://www.romper.com/p/if-you-have-these-7-weird-relationship-habits-youre-with-the-right-person-9663051

May 3, 2019

Spritzers and Stalkers

This week Marisa and Ang are joined by a mystery guest whose identity will not be revealed due to the strict nature of the witness protection program. JK, but seriously, our guest was stalked this year. On this beautiful summer-esque night, the ladies enjoy Berry Spritzers while diving into the signs of a stalker. If you feel like somebodies watching you or appears every time you turn the corner, listen up because you may need to get your restraining orders ready!

Berry Spritzer

2 shots of Tito's Vodka

Flavored seltzer

Berry Juice

Frozen Berries for garnish

Resource: https://www.asecurelife.com/safety/signs-of-a-stalker/

April 27, 2019

Fears and Fizz

While drinking dangerous Strawberry Mango Fizz, Marisa calls Ang out for giving her pink eye in college. On the topic of germaphobia, the ladies discuss (rather unsympathetically) the top 10 most common phobias. We learn Marisa is crazy enough to want a pet tarantula while Ang admits to neglecting her job because of a daddy long leg one summer.

Strawberry Mango Fizz Recipe:

2 shots of Mango Pineapple Vodka

Fill half your cup with Strawberry Kiwi Seltzer

Top with Strawberry Peach juice

Resource: https://www.verywellmind.com/most-common-phobias-4136563

April 26 2019

Booze and Break-ups

Just got dumped? Are you eating the pain away? Is your ex a pathological liar? Are you on the verge of alcoholism? Don't worry, you are not alone. Everyone welcome Daniela (Hi Daniela). Between the three ladies, they've gone through a total of 8 breaks up (75% being Marisa's). During this episode, the gals talk about stupid things you'll do after a breakup. Ang learns her ex recently asked Daniela to have a threesome and Daniela's ex claims his marriage and baby is all a sham.

Mango Pineapple Daquiri:

2 shots of Tito's Vodka

Frozen Pineapple Chunks

Frozen Mango Chunks

Mango Daquiri Mix

Blend 'er up good ;)

Resource: https://metro.co.uk/2017/09/28/10-stupid-things-youll-do-after-a-breakup-6956888/

April 19, 2019

Don't shame my bleeding vagina, Mom. Nurse Nicole is with us to mend an open wound from past relationship trauma and chat about the top 10 most common long term relationship deal breakers . The (possible) future sister-in-laws talk about their shared encounters with a mutual ex. Therapist Ang stirs the pot and then silently sits back and listens to everything unfold.

White Girl Wasted Recipe:

2 shots of Tito's Vodka

Half Ginger Ale

Half Cranberry Juice; or just a splash ;)

Resource: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/close-encounters/201510/the-top-10-relationship-deal-breakers

April 12,2019

Jimmy has found his calling as a topless bartender, Marisa might be looking for a girlfriend(?), Ang is enraged over the Netflix docu "Abducted in Plain Sight" and Bryan is busy sounding out words. The gang discusses the top 10 most unusual sexual behaviors while drinking a light peach sangria (except for Bryan who has chosen an alternative lifestyle with his Bud Light Lime).

Peach Sangria Recipe:

Cup of ice

Fill half your cup with white white

1 shot of Peach Schnapps

Top with Sprite soda


Resource: https://www.lehmiller.com/blog/2012/5/7/a-top-10-list-of-the-most-unusual-sexual-behaviors-ever.html