
Lessons :

  1. The imperial vision of dominion over the entire world could be imminent. (As nationalism cant solve global problem like green house effect)

  2. People can work together and trust on a large amount rather than other animal.

  3. Money is the most successful imaginary reality made by humankind. Everyone trust on that.

  4. Polytheism is more open minded than monotheism.

  5. Fire gave people power.

  6. Foragers were more happy than the Farmers. Agriculture revolution is the history's biggest fraud.

  7. We basically believe in monotheist god, dualist devil, polytheist saint and animist ghost!

  8. Some chaotic system react on the prediction like oil price which is level 2 chaotic system. On other hand weather is level 1 chaotic system.

  9. Things we know can be proven wrong if we gain more knowledge

  10. We have to take into account the ideological, political and economic forces that shaped physics biology and sociology by pushing them into certain directions while neglecting others.

  11. Egoism is altruism.. By becoming rich, you can make others rich (reinvesting or consuming products/services) and thus the economy grows.

  12. Country's credit rating is far more important than its natural resources ( P - 366)

  13. We are consequently wreaking havoc on our fellow animals and on the surrounding ecosystem, seeking little more than our own comfort and amusement, yet never finding satisfaction.

Some Important Pages :

Economical Growth

Family & Community Vs State & Market

Family & Community Vs State & Market