Bondar Tetiana

Senior Scientific Researcher of the Laboratory of immuno-biochemical and molecular genetic research,

PhD (Biological Sciences), 

Specialist in biochemistry 

Tetiana М. Bondar – Senior Scientific Researcher and Specialist in biochemistry of the L.T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Scientific experience - 37 years.  Total experience - 41 years.


She graduated from O.M. Gorky Kharkiv State University (now V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University) majoring in biology in 1981.

 In 1985-1989 studied at the post-graduate course in the specialty "Biochemistry" and in 1989 defended her PhD thesis (Biological Sciences) on the topic "Enzymatic utilization of lipoperoxides in normal conditions and in atherosclerosis".

She has completed advanced training courses at the Academy of Postgraduate Education and has a certificate as a specialist in clinical biochemistry.


From 1981 to 1985, she worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Hospital Therapy of the Kharkiv Medical Institute. In May 1985, she was hired as a junior researcher of the biochemistry laboratory of the Kharkiv branch of the Kyiv Research Institute of Cardiology named after Academician N.D. Strazhesko (now - L.T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine). Since October 1985, for 3 years, she studied at a graduate school.

In November 1988, she was hired as a junior researcher at the Laboratory of Analytical Biochemistry of the Institute of Therapy of the Medical Academy of Ukraine. Since May 1989 – senior researcher of the laboratory of immunology; since February 1990 - head of the radioisotope research group. From October 1993 to the present, she has been working as a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Biochemical and Immunoenzymatic Research Methods (in 2018, in connection with the expansion of research areas, the name of the laboratory was changed to the Laboratory of Immuno-Biochemical and Molecular Genetic Research).


Scientific activity during work at the institute is related to the study of neurohumoral regulation of the functions of the cardiovascular system, the role of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme systems in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. In 1989 - 1998, Tetiana Bondar was the executor of biochemical fragments of the Scientific Research works related to the study of the mechanisms of the occurrence and chronicity of cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary diseases. Since 1998, she has been studying disorders of nitric oxide metabolism under conditions of cardiovascular pathology, developing biochemical criteria for predicting and evaluating the effectiveness of antiplatelet therapy. Since 2011, she has been involved in the study of genetic aspects of biochemical and aggregation tolerance to antiplatelet drugs, in particular polymorphisms of the COX-1 genes and platelet receptors GP IIIa, ITGA2, and thromboxane receptors.

The main direction of scientific activity at the present time is the implementation of a wide range of molecular genetic research methods, which are based on the use of the possibilities of quantitative PCR methodology in real time (determination of polymorphism of many target genes; determination of mRNA expression in blood cells; determination of the relative content of micro-RNA; determining the relative and absolute length of telomeres; determining the relative and quantitative composition of the intestinal microbiota).


For many years of conscientious work and an active attitude in life, she was repeatedly awarded with diplomas from the Institute's administration and the Kharkiv City Council.


More than 290 printed works, including 72 articles in scientific journals, 12 of which are indexed in the Scopus database and 15 - in the Web of Sciences, 2 methodical recommendations, 20 patents and 2 certificates of copyright registration for the work.

Tetiana Bondar

Senior Scientific Researcher of the Laboratory of immuno-biochemical and molecular genetic research, PhD (Biological Sciences), Specialist in biochemistry 

L.T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,   

Address: 61039, 2a Lyubovi Maloy Ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine


tel.: +38 095 881 65 05