The Boltgun, also commonly referred to as the Bolter, is the standard weapon of the Adeptus Astartes and Adepta Sororitas. A .75 caliber weapon, the boltgun works similarly to a grenade launcher firing a relatively small explosive; an initial ballistic charge launches the bolt in the same way as with an autogun, after which the explosive, commonly called a 'bolt', is self-propelled. Once it penetrates its target, it explodes. Finely hand-crafted in Space Marine or Adeptus Mechanicus forges, Boltguns are heavy, sturdy weapons with a powerful recoil normal humans would find difficult to handle.[19]

Like other Space Marine weaponry, Astartes boltguns are designed around their superhuman physique. The weight of each weapon would require most humans to use a supporting brace, with hand-grips larger than any normal human could manage. However, even if a normal human were to fire the boltgun, the resulting recoil would rip their arm from its socket.[10d] Normal humans found to be in possession of even a single Astartes bolt round, much less a boltgun, can expect a swift justice for their crimes.[10a]

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The Blood Angels and their successor Chapter use a wrist-mounted, drum-fed variation of the standard boltgun for their Sanguinary Guard called the Angelus boltgun. It uses Bloodshard shells as ammunition.[3a] This is not to be confused with the Angelus Bolt Carbine which is not a boltgun and not a Space Marine weapon.

The Deathwatch uses the Hesh-pattern boltguns since M36. This weapon was originally designed by Magos Cymbry Jamis of the Adeptus Mechanicus in recognition of the Deathwatch's services. The bolters of this pattern are more compact than other weapons of its type and show exceptional craftsmanship. Due to their smaller size they are well-suited for fighting in confined spaces and they are also favoured by vehicle crews and by certain Assault Marines. The bolters incorporate an integral folding stock, motion predictor, and prey-sense sight.[14a]

The Lion Pattern is a boltgun developed and used by the Dark Angels sometime before the Horus Heresy. The STC fragment for this pattern was discovered, sometime in late M41, in the wreckage of the pre-heresy Dark Angel's ship: Caliban's Will, which was fused to the Olethros space hulk when it attempted to travel to Zaramund to reinforce Horus.

The Umbra pattern boltgun was first used in the later years of the Great Crusade and was produced in large quantities by the time of the Siege of Terra[25][83]. They were known to be favoured by the Sons of Horus Legion[90]. By M42, the pattern was reinstated for use by the Sisters of Silence.[72]

The Godwyn-De'az Pattern boltgun has been the standard-issue weapon for the Battle Sisters since their first formation, and is unchanged due to its superiority to nearly all other boltgun-type weapons.[9a] The sisters also make use of a Sarissa as a blade attachment for their bolters.[9b]

The Perinetus Pattern "Solo" Mark II is considered to be heretical by some members of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Its workings are much less sophisticated compared to other boltguns and it can only be operated in single-shot mode. Its lack of an automatic fire mode is made up for by its somewhat longer range, better accuracy and higher reliability of its mechanism. These features make it popular with PDF and rebels alike.[21]

The Storm Bolter is a compact, double-barreled version of the Boltgun. Two twin-linked boltguns attached side by side, the storm bolter is capable of withering fire without hindering maneuverability, granting the wielder enormous individual firepower.


I got plenty of stuff for range :

3x Master crafted boltguns (+ like 4 more of lower quality but with good stats [350-380] & just nead platinum but as for now I dont nead to upgrade them as the blessings can be of lower quality & we still cant reroll them or do other stuff]

Mechanically, I reckon it's spot on. The titular boltgun is indeed most satisfying to wield, and using the chainsword as a means of locomotion to grapple-hook yourself around the environments is simply joyful. It's not like I haven't seen similar things done before, but here it just feels so crunchy, so easy to use and obvious to implement. There's a satisfying thunk to every movement, every kill, that sets off those old-school dopamine receptors in just the right way, and I caught myself giggling far more often than a man in his mid-30s should.

"To a Space Marine, the boltgun is far more than a weapon; it is an instrument of Mankind's divinity, the bringer of death to his foes. Its howling blast is a prayer to the gods of battle."

The bolter, also called a boltgun, and its variants are some of the most powerful, hand-held, ballistic anti-personnel weaponry in use by the military forces of the Imperium of Man. It is a powerful assault weapon that fires explosive kinetic rounds colloquially referred to as bolts.

The boltgun, or bolter as it is also known, has been the standard armament of the Adeptus Astartes for as long as Space Marines have defended the Imperium. But this was not always the case. The ancient Space Marine Legions once utilised Volkite Weapons, a class of powerful thermal ray weapons whose technology is pre-Imperial in origin and dates back to the Age of Strife. These compact weapons possessed considerable killing power, surpassing most other armaments of their size.

Bolters can only be made by skilled artisans and so are produced only in limited quantities, but always to the highest standards and using only the finest materials available. Even bolter rounds or "bolts," cannot be easily fabricated outside of specialised workshops, and the weapons require regular servicing if they are to function properly. Each Space Marine is scrupulous in their attention to their boltguns, regularly performing rituals of maintenance less he anger his weapon's Machine Spirit.

The Space Marines are not the only warriors of the Imperium to carry Boltguns into battle, but the version carried by the Adeptus Astartes, the Mark Vb Godwyn Pattern Boltgun, is by far the largest and most devastating. By comparison, the smaller patterns of boltgun carried by the Adeptus Sororitas or the champions of the Astra Militarum are pale reflections. So large is the Godwyn Pattern that no normal man could heft one, let alone survive its unforgiving recoil.

A blessed creation of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Godwyn Pattern has served the Space Marines for millennia, its design based upon ancient STC technology from long before the birth of the Imperium. The Godwyn is not the only pattern of Boltgun used by the Adeptus Astartes though, and many of the Space Marine Chapters have their own variants, such as the "Angelus" Bolter used by the Blood Angels, or the "Fenris" Pattern boltgun used by the Space Wolves. However, the Godwyn Pattern remains the most common weapon of the Firstborn Space Marines and fills the role of the sacred bolter, as cited in the Codex Astartes as the primary weapon of a battle-brother.

Drum-shaped magazines are sometimes used to increase the ammunition storage capabilities of a boltgun, replacing the standard sickle clip. This extra ammunition reduces the time between reloads and allows a battle-brother to keep up a sustained stream of killing fire. Regardless of modification or pattern, a bolter remains an ancient and deadly weapon in the hands of a Space Marine, and if all else fails, it is solid enough to crack skulls and snap bones with its heavy casing.

Another odd choice is that you lose all of your weapons except for the boltgun between chapters. You have to find them again throughout the levels of the chapter, but why? It just shoots the gameplay in the foot for no reason. The gunplay is the best part of Boltgun. Why take it away?

While alone, Caedo has access to some of the most powerful weapons known to the Empire, from the aforementioned boltgun to heavy repeating rifles and enormous plasma cannons capable of vaporizing all but the largest foes.

Weirdly, the Inquisition decided to send in a lone Space Marine without his gun too, as you start the first mission with nothing but your trusty chainsword. This is all part of the tutorialization though, and after you cleave your way through the first few unfortunate cultists, you quickly stumble upon the titular boltgun. 2351a5e196

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