Ngar-Fun Liu


Ngar-Fun LIU is a Hong Kong born Chinese educated in Hong Kong and England. She has taught English as a foreign language in Spain and England and is currently teaching English at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where she was awarded The Faculty of Arts Exemplary Teaching Award 2014. Some of her publications deal with intercultural issues in education, instructional design, learning and assessment. She enjoys studying and has fulfilled one of her childhood dreams: completing five degrees in Sociology, Urban Design, Education, Applied Linguistics and Law. She has volunteered for a number of organizations, including the Hong Kong Federation of Women’s Centres (HKFWC), a 40-year-old independent NGO that has acquired Special Consultative Status from the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. She was its Vice-Chair and is a member of its Fundraising Task Force. She enjoys travelling that takes her slightly out of her comfort zone and has journeyed to more than 60 countries.

TITLE: PST for public speaking

This workshop presents an innovative practice termed ‘PST’, used in a university presentation skills course. PST stands for pace, stress and tone. It motivates EFL students to ‘cover’ a 30-60 second excerpt of a TED talk or other speech materials, so that learners develop clarity, confidence and credibility in speech and presentation settings. It also deals with delivery skills such as eye contact, walk, and voice projection. This practice has been playfully termed ‘TED karaoke’ and could be adapted for other classrooms. Participants will try it out in various forms, and discuss its implications for their own classroom practices.