Monica Gandolfo


Monica Gandolfo is a teacher educator who has lectured extensively on methodological issues and has co- authored several course-books for Pearson-Tinta Fresca and Macmillan. She is a former lecturer of Materials Design II at Universidad CAECE and of Metodología at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Avellaneda. She taught reading comprehension of academic texts at the School of Philosophy and Letters, Universidad de Buenos Aires, where she coordinated the first level. At present she is a member of the team in charge of two research-related courses at Universidad Nacional de la Matanza.Her main interests are the teaching of English in disadvantaged contexts and the study of lexis related issues in comprehension and production.

TITLE: Experiencing genre-based teaching in a foreign language

The presenter will show the participants the framework for lesson organization in genre-based teaching and guide them through the experience in a language (Italian) not known to them (at least professionally) so they can see how this approach can support the development of oral and written production in mixed-level classes.