Marina Adaro


Ms Marina Adaro was born and lives in San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina. She is a graduate teacher of English. She specialises in Education in Contexts of Confinment. She holds a degree in translation and interpretation in scientific and technical handbooks, journals and texts. Member of the AJPI (Asociación Jujeña de Profesores de Inglés) Committee for four terms. She is in charge of Comunicación Integral 2 and Linguistics at IES N°6 – El Carmen, Jujuy. She is currently working as a regular teacher at Escuela Normal Superior “Juan I. Gorriti” and within the Prison Service in Jujuy. Her main interests are the teaching of writing and the teaching of English in disadvantaged contexts.

TITLE: Music to Promote Creativity

Music can be used to give students some “relief”, and can also be used to practice pronunciation, everyday language, common expressions and grammar. But songs and their lyrics also have the ability to move us, our memories and our imagination as well. They tell us stories, give us a portrait of a character or help us to create a scene. So, why not using them to help our students to inspire their writing?. Given the necessary tools, students can be challenged to write different pieces of writing like letters, alternate endings, predictions or a criminal’s profile.