Luis Velazco


"Luis Marcelo Velasco Salas was born in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. He received his B.S. degree in Political Science from Florida Gulf Coast University, USA. He has been teaching English for 5 years. He is currently teaching English courses at Jala Foundation. His professional interest focuses on teaching English for Specific Purposes and his current project include teaching English to Software developers.

TITLE: English for Specific Purposes: Jala Foundation English Team Best Practices

The Jala Foundation’s goal is to train people for the software industry. As part of this goal, the Jala Foundation English Team is a group of English trainers that provides English support to trainees. The team uses three approaches when teaching English for Specific Purposes to software engineers. The team provides (1) One on One sessions, (2) it teaches English to multiple level classes, and (3) it runs an evaluation tool that prepares engineers for job interviews. One of our most important services is the One on One English sessions where trainees have to meet specific goals that have a direct impact on the business. This article aims to share some practices that the Jala Foundation English Team has used for several years.