Linda Yael


Linda has been a teacher trainer at Pilgrims, Canterbury, UK, since 2005. She taught English for thirty years at the Balseiro Institute (UNCuyo), Bariloche, and was a tutor at Hilderstone College, Broadstairs. She was a teacher trainer at ISFD Lenguas Vivas Bariloche, and previously worked for the British Council, Madrid. She is the current president of Apizals.

TITLE: Above and beyond the four skills through poetry

Our daily TEFL practice is often reduced to teaching the four skills, grammar and vocabulary, hardly sparing a thought for the content, thus leaving aside our more fundamental role as educators. On the other hand, we tend to believe that if we are teaching to a language syllabus, there is no place for poetry in the general English class, and that, in any case, our students will not be interested. This very practical workshop will attempt to demonstrate otherwise. We will consider how to use poetry in class with the aim of involving students actively in differing ways. A selection of poems will be presented and participants will experience various techniques, including some creative writing. Attendees will be invited to discuss possible uses in their classes, and any adaptations they might need to make depending on their particular teaching situations.