Katia Morales


Katia Morales

Born in La Paz, Bolivia. EFL teacher for more than 12 years. Holds a bachelor’s degree in Education and a Higher Education Teaching Diploma from CEPIES, UMSA. Supervisor, Teacher Counselor, La Salle School English Program Coordinator. Katia participated as a speaker in local workshops. Currently, she works at Centro Boliviano Americano, La Paz.

TITLE: Creative Writing Projects Through Story Builder App

The presentation consists of a specific mobile application as a tool for carrying out original writing projects that allow students explore their creativity by imaginative stories that are inspired by accompanying images chosen by them inside and outside the classroom. I will be using this app for developing and reinforcing writing practice and production from very beginning to advanced levels. Attendees will engage in non-traditional tasks that will provide the opportunity of using actively the new technologies to keep up with the students’ interests. They will also find this mobile application very helpful, and handy.