Jaima Ancajima


Jaime holds a Bachelor Degree in Education, a TESOL Certificate from Saint Mary´s University, England, a Skills and Principles in Language Teacher Training Workshop Design, Observation and Feedback Certificate from Centro Espiral Mana, Costa Rica and an American Culture and Society Institute Certificate from New York University, USA.

He has given workshops and plenaries in Ecuador, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, and Spain. He publishes articles about education, English and other topics in the local newspaper El Tiempo in Piura, Peru *

He works at the Language Center of Universidad de Piura as the Teacher Trainer Unit Coordinator and Professor at the Education school. He´s also a Cambridge English Oral examiner.

TITLE: Challenges of Teachers and Education in the Digital Age

Nowadays, there are key changes that are forcing teachers to reconsider our goals and methods of teaching because technology has entered into every walk of life. The digital revolution has transformed almost everything from our work at our organizations to our daily routines. It is transforming the way children and young people play, access information, communicate with each other, learn, relearn and unlearn.

Teachers should identify the key knowledge and skills that students need in a digital age, and how technology is changing everything, including the context in which we teach.

In this presentation, we will reflect about the pros and cons of using technology and the role of the teachers in the classroom.

TITLE: Effective Teaching Practices and Teacher Development

In this presentation, we will be talking about the characteristics of Effective Teachers, types of teaching-learning methods and teacher Development. To survive in a new, globally competitive world, today's children need creativity, problem-solving abilities, a passion for learning, and lifelong learning opportunities. Students can develop these abilities through instruction based on Best Practice teaching strategies. Effective teachers display certain characteristics, while ineffective teachers tend to make the same mistakes repeatedly. We will talk about some of the things more effective teachers tend to do right and less effective teachers tend to do wrong. Finally, we will talk about Teacher development which is the process of becoming ‘the best kind of teacher that I personally can be’.