Boris Duque


Boris Ivan Duque Arcieri is an English educator, teaching in Elementary and High School institutions for about 4 years. He was born in Barranquilla-Colombia, but nowadays he is working in Medellín. He is the youngest from a family of teachers, as his mom and sister work in the educational field as well. He has a bachelor’s degree in Foreign Languages from Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla. At just 26 years of age, Boris has been teaching the language for different aged students, using technological devices and learning platforms in his classes, as an innovative learning and teaching tool. He is currently studying an online master’s degree in course education (Innovation in Learning and Teaching) with the University of South Wales, UK.

TITLE: If you cannot beat them, join them: using smartphones in the English classes

The main goal of this talk is to get to know the proper way teachers may use smartphones in their English classes as a learning tool for the development of listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. The use of social networks (Twitter, Instagram, etc.), among other educational apps and websites can be helpful for the students’ learning process. Teenagers are spending most of their time in their smartphones, as it is widely known that it is hard to gain their attention during the classes. It is hoped from assistants to participate as active-agents during this plenary session and have fun while learning the different uses of those apps.