Bojian Xu

(pronounced as Bojien Shü)

Mail:    601 E. Riverside Avenue, Suite 300, Spokane, WA 99202


Bojian Xu is a professor of computer science in the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Eastern Washington University. Before joining EWU as an assistant professor in 2011, he was a research assistant professor at Texas A&M University and The University of Kansas during 2009-2011. He received his B.E. in computer science and engineering from Zhejiang University in 2000, and his Ph.D. with distinction in computer engineering from Iowa State University in 2009. His industrial experience includes four years with China Mobile and the 2008 summer research internship with the database research group at AT&T Shannon Laboratory. In the summer of 2013, he was a visiting researcher at TÜBİTAK-BİLGEM National Research Institute of Electronics and Cryptology, Turkey. He is the winner of Outstanding Faculty Merit Award for Teaching in 2013.


He has developed and has been teaching the following courses.


His research interest is to design and implement practical algorithms and systems for massive data processing. He has been working on distributed massive streaming data management in the presence of memory and energy constraints, compressed data structures for indexing and searching large data sets, GPU computing for string processing, and sampling techniques in both batch and streaming modes. These work have applications in network security monitoring, energy-constrained network data aggregation and transmission, search engines, online data sketching, data compression, pattern matching, and biological sequence alignment and repetitive/unique structure finding. 


Computer science papers at decent conferences are important and are generally peer-reviewed, often with very low acceptance rates. In many cases, a journal article is an expanded and more detailed version of a conference paper. 

: Author names are listed alphabetically, following the tradition in algorithm and theoretical computer science communities.
*: Authors of major contribution.

Refereed Conference Proceedings Papers

Refereed Journal Articles


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