How to Lose Weight in 3 Days with Body Keto Tone

Maintaining a healthy weight is a lasting, lifelong pursuit. But sometimes you want to lose a few pounds quickly, whether it's to meet the weight requirement, make yourself feel better in a bikini, or put on the wedding dress of your dreams. Within 3 days, only a few people can safely lose weight, but you can lose a little extra weight and waist circumference in a short time. To truly reduce calories, burn fat, build muscle, and achieve lasting results, you must make some larger diet and lifestyle changes.

Keto Body Tone

Keto Body Tone

Follow "Popular" Recipes to Get Short-Term Results

Try the "Three Day Recipe". This three-day recipe, sometimes called the army recipe, is a diet plan with Keto Body Tone strict requirements for breakfast, lunch, and dinner within three days. Using this method requires following the meal plan as much as possible, and then restoring the diet to the standard 1500 calories for the rest of the next week.

Breakfast on the first day includes:

  1. 1 cup (0.25 liter) sugar-free black coffee or tea

  2. 1 slice of toast, preferably whole wheat bread

  3. 2 tablespoons (30 ml) peanut butter

  4. 1/2 grapefruit

  5. Lunch on the first day includes:

  6. 1 cup (0.25 liter) sugar-free black coffee or tea

  7. 1 slice of toast, preferably whole wheat bread

  8. 1/2 can tuna

  9. Dinner on the first day includes:

  10. 3 ounces (85 grams-about the size of a playing card) of any meat

  11. 1 cup (340g) green beans, steamed or eaten raw

  12. 1/2 banana

  13. 1 small apple

  14. 1 cup (0.25 liters) of vanilla ice cream (wow, there is dessert!)

  15. Breakfast on the second day includes:

  16. 1 egg, can be cooked any way you like

  17. 1 slice of toast, preferably whole wheat bread

  18. 1/2 banana

  19. Lunch on the second day includes:

  20. 1 hard-boiled egg

  21. 1 cup (0.25 liter) white cheese

  22. 0.7 ounces (20 grams) roasted sweet potatoes

  23. Dinner on the second day includes:

  24. 2 hot dog sausages (no bread)

  25. 1 cup (340g) cauliflower

  26. 1/2 cup (170g) carrots

  27. 1/2 banana

  28. 1/2 cup (0.12 liters) of vanilla ice cream (a dessert again, great!)

  29. Breakfast on the third day includes:

  30. 1 small apple

  31. 1 slice cheddar cheese

  32. 0.7 ounces (20 grams) roasted sweet potatoes

  33. Lunch on the third day includes:

  34. 1 egg, can be cooked any way you like

  35. 1 slice of toast, preferably whole wheat bread

  36. Dinner on the third day includes:

  37. 1 cup (340g) tuna

  38. 1/2 banana

  39. 1/2 cup (0.12 liters) of vanilla ice cream (the third dessert!).

Keto Body Tone

Consider Fasting for 3 Days

Some studies have shown that drinking only water for 3 days and restricting yourself to less than 200 calories per day can help you restart your immune system and also quickly lose some weight.

This form of "forced starvation" can deplete your energy reserves (in the form of glycogen), and once you finish fasting, it can regenerate the immune cells in the body.

"Warning!" Fasting may cause harm, especially to children or the elderly, or other people with health problems. If you really want to try a 3-day fast, you should consult your doctor first.